Absolute Ocean Charters

Tours and Activities Water Based Tours

Hours: 8am to 5pm

Absolute Ocean Char­ters is Aus­trali­a’s favourite, fam­i­ly-owned Broome Eco Cruise & Fish­ing Char­ter com­pa­ny. Dis­cov­er the best of the north-west on one of our famous Broome Fish­ing Char­ters, a spec­tac­u­lar Whale Watch­ing expe­ri­ence off Cable Beach, or a relax­ing Snubfin Dol­phin Eco Cruise in Roe­buck Bay. If you pre­fer to stay on land, then our infor­ma­tive snap­shot of Broome Bus Town Tour is for you!

Absolute Ocean Char­ters (AOC) is the lead­ing and longest oper­at­ing fish­ing, eco cruise and whale watch­ing char­ter com­pa­ny in Broome.

They spe­cialise in reef fish­ing char­ters, eco sun­set cruis­es, whale watch­ing tours and pri­vate char­ter expe­ri­ences. Plus, there’s a bus Broome Town tour show­cas­ing the icon­ic land­marks as well as shar­ing fas­ci­nat­ing insights into the marine envi­ron­ment sur­round­ing the town. Whichev­er AOC adven­ture you choose, you are in the best hands with the most expe­ri­enced crew. 

Absolute Ocean Char­ters is an owner/​operator busi­ness with over 30yrs expe­ri­ence on the ocean around Broome and the Kim­ber­ley. Part of what makes AOC spe­cial is their atten­tion to detail, their effi­cient, excel­lent ser­vice, and expert knowl­edge of the local waters. The pride shown in ensur­ing guests are treat­ed to the most mem­o­rable day is unwavering. 

Their main ves­sel Con­tes­sa C” is a 20 metre cruis­er offer­ing a fast, com­fort­able and shad­ed ride. It is pur­pose built for marine char­ters and includes an air-con­di­tioned wheel­house, full size toi­let and plen­ty of shad­ed seating. 

Going above and beyond, they offer a guar­an­teed sight­ing or your mon­ey back on their whale watch­ing tours! The range of expe­ri­ences on offer with AOC as well as the marine expe­ri­ence of the found­ing direc­tors sets them apart from oth­er oper­a­tors in Broome and West­ern Australia.

Begin­ner or expert, our high­ly trained and very expe­ri­enced staff will always be on hand to help you enjoy your day. Fam­i­lies and young chil­dren are wel­come, you may wish to share a line with your child.

For online book­ing pur­pos­es, a child is 5 – 14 years. Chil­dren aged under 4 years of age are free of charge (add 1 qty infant for each child aged 4 and under).

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