Air Kimberley

7 Gus Winckel Road Broome International Airport WA 6725
Tours and Activities Scenic Flights

Hours: 9am - 5pm 7 days. 24 hour booking service avail.

Fly the Kim­ber­ley with Air Kim­ber­ley & see the wild and remote attrac­tions of the Kim­ber­ley and Pil­bara with Broome’s scenic pio­neers. At Air Kim­ber­ley, we’ll fly you there! From the World Her­itage list­ed Bun­gle Bun­gles, the or majes­tic Mitchell Falls, Buc­ca­neer Arch­i­pel­ago or Mount Hart, we’ve been fly­ing the skies of Aus­trali­a’s remote north­west for more than 30 years. Fly the Hor­i­zon­tal Falls, Cape Lev­eque, Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm, Geikie Gorge, Bun­gle Bun­gles, Mitchell Falls, Wind­jana Gorge, Tun­nel Creek and Mim­bi Caves. The expe­ri­ences are end­less when you fly the Kim­ber­ley, with Air Kim­ber­ley Broome’s Scenic Pioneers.

Fly the Kim­ber­ley with Air Kim­ber­ley expe­ri­enc­ing the unique advan­tage of scenic air adven­tures to see Aus­trali­a’s, and the world’s last great wilder­ness fron­tiers, the Kim­ber­ley, wild and remote in the North-west of West­ern Australia.

Air Kim­ber­ley first took to the Kim­ber­ley skies back in 1992 as a small char­ter com­pa­ny based on a pas­toral sta­tion close to its name­sake — the for­mer spec­tac­u­lar King Leopold Ranges, now named the Wanaamin Mili­wun­di Ranges. Today the com­pa­ny ben­e­fits from an exten­sive air­craft engi­neer­ing back­ground and has seen much expan­sion in both the com­mer­cial and leisure tourism sec­tors. Air Kim­ber­ley has its Head Office at Broome Inter­na­tion­al Airport.

Expe­ri­enced pilots are addi­tion­al­ly trained as tour guides in order to pro­vide a com­pre­hen­sive and infor­ma­tive insight into the stun­ning Kim­ber­ley landscape.

We oper­ate one of the largest sin­gle engine fleet in the West Kim­ber­ley oper­at­ing the C208 Car­a­van, GA8 Air­van, Cess­na 182, 210 and 206 air­craft, which are an ide­al air­craft for the Kim­ber­ley con­di­tions. These are usu­al­ly fit­ted with 5 pas­sen­ger seats and have a high wing design, which cre­ates greater sta­bil­i­ty and allows for opti­mum view­ing. These types of air­craft can also cov­er great dis­tances very quick­ly, mak­ing them ide­al for char­ters and tours into even the most remote and often inac­ces­si­ble Kim­ber­ley regions.

Each pas­sen­ger has a win­dow seat (except the C208) and a per­son­al head­set to lis­ten to the pilot’s com­men­tary. Pilots cir­cle land­marks of inter­est, so that pas­sen­gers max­imise pho­to opportunities.


The below flights operate out of Drysdale River Station from May - August

  • Prince Regent and Mitchell Falls Explorer (~ 2.5 hours)
  • Mitchell Falls Wilderness Day Trek (~1 day)
  • Mitchell Falls Overnight Safari (~2 days)

Please email [email protected] or call 08 9195 2200 for more information and bookings.

For booking purposes: Children are classified as 3-12 years of age. Infants are classified as 0-2 years of age and may be carried free of charge on the lap of a parent. For safety and operational requirements Air Kimberley observes a maximum individual weight of 120kg per person for all scenic tours.

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