APT Bungle Bungle Wilderness Lodge

Purnululu National Park Broome WA 6725
Accommodation Eco Retreats Travelling North

Check In: 15:00 | Check Out: 10:00

Set in the heart of World Her­itage-list­ed Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park, APT’s Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge offers a unique and unfor­get­table stay in one of Australia’s most icon­ic land­scapes. Nes­tled close to the famous bee­hive striped domes of the Bun­gle Bun­gle Range, the lodge pro­vides an excep­tion­al base for explor­ing the park’s stun­ning geo­log­i­cal for­ma­tions, ancient gorges, and rich Abo­rig­i­nal heritage.

The lodge fea­tures 40 spa­cious, eco-friend­ly tent­ed cab­ins with a king or twin beds, pri­vate ensuite and out­door deck, where guests can relax and take in the scenery. The lodge’s licensed bar offers a selec­tion of local wines and beers avail­able to pur­chase. Savour a full break­fast and three-course gourmet din­ner pre­pared by the Chefs at Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge. Packed lunch­es are avail­able upon request at an addi­tion­al cost.

The lodge’s prime loca­tion pro­vides easy access to all that Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park has to offer includ­ing the nat­ur­al amphithe­atre of Cathe­dral Gorge, Pic­canin­ny Creek and Echid­na Chasm. Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge offers a tru­ly unique stay, com­bin­ing unmatched hos­pi­tal­i­ty with easy access to the Kimberley’s pris­tine land­scapes. Our Lodge host and friend­ly staff are ready to wel­come you.

Locat­ed right in the heart of World Her­itage-list­ed Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park, the Lodge offers con­ve­nient access to the stun­ning bee­hive domes of the Bun­gle Bun­gle Range, the breath­tak­ing beau­ty of Pic­canin­ny Creek and Echid­na Gorge and Mini Palms Gorge. The idyl­lic bush set­ting gives you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to immerse your­self in the tran­quil beau­ty of Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park.

APT are proud of our leave no trace phi­los­o­phy, which helps pro­tect this unique World Her­itage-list­ed Nation­al Park.

Standard Tented Cabin

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 2

When it comes to accom­mo­da­tion in Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park, Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge sets a stan­dard all of its own.
The lodges unique accom­mo­da­tion is guar­an­teed to pro­vide one of the high­lights of your hol­i­day. Exclu­sive to APTs Kim­ber­ley Wilder­ness Adven­tures, Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge is locat­ed in the heart of Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park.

The lodge offers con­ve­nient access to the stun­ning domes of the Bun­gle Bun­gle Range, and the breath­tak­ing beau­ty of Pic­canin­ny Creek, Cathe­dral Gorge, Echid­na Chasm and Mini Palms Gorge.
Accom­mo­da­tion at Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge is spread across two sites in order to avoid over­crowd­ing and max­imise the bush envi­ron­ment expe­ri­ence. The Bell­burn site com­pris­es of 30 tent­ed cab­ins on the banks of the dry Bell­burn Creek.
Upstream from Bell­burn is the Pic­canin­ny Lodge site, which fea­tures just ten tent­ed cab­ins, ensur­ing an inti­mate experience.

Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge has two grades of accom­mo­da­tion — Stan­dard twin and Supe­ri­or double/​twin — are offered at the Bell­burn site, while all accom­mo­da­tion at the Pic­canin­ny site is in Supe­ri­or double/​twin.
Din­ing facil­i­ties at the lodge offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dine under the mag­nif­i­cent Kim­ber­ley stars.
After din­ner each night, guests can relax with new friends around the camp­fire before turn­ing in.

Licensed Dining
This lodge is ful­ly licensed prod­vid­ing a lim­it­ed range of beverages.

The accom­mo­da­tion rate for chil­dren applies sole­ly to chil­dren under the age of 15 years.
Each cab­in has two sin­gle beds 
3 course gourmet din­ner and break­fast included.

    Standard Tented Cabin - Last Minute Special

    Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
    Max Guests: 2

    When it comes to accom­mo­da­tion in Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park, Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge sets a stan­dard all of its own.
    The lodges unique accom­mo­da­tion is guar­an­teed to pro­vide one of the high­lights of your hol­i­day. Exclu­sive to APTs Kim­ber­ley Wilder­ness Adven­tures, Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge is locat­ed in the heart of Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park.

      Superior Tented Cabin - Last Minute Special

      Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
      Max Guests: 2

      When it comes to accom­mo­da­tion in Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park, Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge sets a stan­dard all of its own.
      The lodges unique accom­mo­da­tion is guar­an­teed to pro­vide one of the high­lights of your hol­i­day. Exclu­sive to APTs Kim­ber­ley Wilder­ness Adven­tures, Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge is locat­ed in the heart of Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park.

      The lodge offers con­ve­nient access to the stun­ning domes of the Bun­gle Bun­gle Range, and the breath­tak­ing beau­ty of Pic­canin­ny Creek, Cathe­dral Gorge, Echid­na Chasm and Mini Palms Gorge.
      Accom­mo­da­tion at Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge is spread across two sites in order to avoid over­crowd­ing and max­imise the bush envi­ron­ment expe­ri­ence. The Bell­burn site com­pris­es of 30 tent­ed cab­ins on the banks of the dry Bell­burn Creek.
      Upstream from Bell­burn is the Pic­canin­ny Lodge site, which fea­tures just ten tent­ed cab­ins, ensur­ing an inti­mate experience.

      Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge has two grades of accom­mo­da­tion — Stan­dard twin and Supe­ri­or double/​twin — are offered at the Bell­burn site, while all accom­mo­da­tion at the Pic­canin­ny site is in Supe­ri­or double/​twin.
      Din­ing facil­i­ties at the lodge offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dine under the mag­nif­i­cent Kim­ber­ley stars.
      After din­ner each night, guests can relax with new friends around the camp­fire before turn­ing in.

      Licensed Dining
      This lodge is ful­ly licensed prod­vid­ing a lim­it­ed range of bev­er­ages.
      The accom­mo­da­tion rate for chil­dren applies sole­ly to chil­dren under the age of 15 years.
      > 3 course din­ner and break­fast included.

        Superior Tented Cabin

        Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
        Max Guests: 2

        When it comes to accom­mo­da­tion in Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park, Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge sets a stan­dard all of its own.
        The lodges unique accom­mo­da­tion is guar­an­teed to pro­vide one of the high­lights of your hol­i­day. Exclu­sive to APTs Kim­ber­ley Wilder­ness Adven­tures, Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge is locat­ed in the heart of Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park.

        The lodge offers con­ve­nient access to the stun­ning domes of the Bun­gle Bun­gle Range, and the breath­tak­ing beau­ty of Pic­canin­ny Creek, Cathe­dral Gorge, Echid­na Chasm and Mini Palms Gorge.
        Accom­mo­da­tion at Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge is spread across two sites in order to avoid over­crowd­ing and max­imise the bush envi­ron­ment expe­ri­ence. The Bell­burn site com­pris­es of 30 tent­ed cab­ins on the banks of the dry Bell­burn Creek.
        Upstream from Bell­burn is the Pic­canin­ny Lodge site, which fea­tures just ten tent­ed cab­ins, ensur­ing an inti­mate experience.

        Bun­gle Bun­gle Wilder­ness Lodge has two grades of accom­mo­da­tion — Stan­dard twin and Supe­ri­or double/​twin — are offered at the Bell­burn site, while all accom­mo­da­tion at the Pic­canin­ny site is in Supe­ri­or double/​twin.
        Din­ing facil­i­ties at the lodge offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dine under the mag­nif­i­cent Kim­ber­ley stars.
        After din­ner each night, guests can relax with new friends around the camp­fire before turn­ing in.

        Licensed Dining
        This lodge is ful­ly licensed prod­vid­ing a lim­it­ed range of bev­er­ages.
        The accom­mo­da­tion rate for chil­dren applies sole­ly to chil­dren under the age of 15 years.
        > 3 course din­ner and break­fast included.

          Trip Planner