Ardi'ol Art and Culture

Tours and Activities Arts & Culture Dampier Peninsula Land Based Tours

Hours: Art Gallery Open 9.00am -2.00pm Mon - Sun

Ardi’ol is 100% owned, man­aged and oper­at­ed by Bar­di peo­ple and offers cul­tur­al expe­ri­ences shar­ing tra­di­tion­al sto­ries, song, dance, authen­tic art and more. 

Vis­it our Art Gallery to pur­chase authen­tic local art as a small take­away to remem­ber your Ardi’ol expe­ri­ence. Cul­tur­al arte­facts, fish­ing shirts, can­vas prints, carved shells and Boab nuts, plus local bush med­i­cines for sale.

Ardi’ol is a clan group of the Bar­di tribe. It cov­ers the areas of Ardyaloon Com­mu­ni­ty, from Baniny­goon (West) to Lir­ra­marr (North).

The logo is our family’s tra­di­tion­al design carved on a pearl shell, this is called a Riji’. It was hand­ed down to our fam­i­ly over 100 years ago, and is six gen­er­a­tions old. We still use it in our tra­di­tion­al cer­e­monies today, as it rep­re­sents who we are.

Our Mis­sion — Ardi’ol is teach­ing young peo­ple the Bar­di Way of life, keep­ing our lan­guage, law and coun­try alive. Shar­ing our art & cul­ture with the world!

Jour­ney back in time with Ardi’ol

Dis­cov­er the Bar­di cul­ture with our tour guides as they show you their Coun­try and Cul­ture through art, sto­ry­telling and adventure.

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