Australian Pinnacle Tours

Shop 1 Old Port Barrack Street Jetty Perth
Tours and Activities

Hours: from 7.30am - 7 days a week (Closing time varies)

Expe­ri­ence the best tours that West­ern Aus­tralia has to offer. With a vast range of incred­i­ble adven­tures, amaz­ing deals and epic road trips, Adam’s Pin­na­cle Tours will be here to wel­come and guide you through the Nat­ur­al won­ders of WA. All tours depart from the cen­tral­ly locat­ed and eas­i­ly acces­si­ble Crown McDon­alds River­side, Entrance of the Crown Metropol. Head over to Rot­tnest and take a guid­ed tour, head to Gin­gin for an out of this world expe­ri­ence learn­ing about the stars; or think about head­ing to Man­jimup for the 20th Anniver­sary of the Cher­ry Festival.

Aus­tralian Pin­na­cle Tours is proud­ly regard­ed as West­ern Aus­trali­a’s lead­ing tour oper­a­tor. With almost 30 years oper­at­ing tours through­out West­ern Aus­tralia, we sim­ply know the best things to see and the best way to do it. You’ll be pleased to know you can book with con­fi­dence as Aus­tralian Pin­na­cle Tours deliv­ers an out­stand­ing cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion level.

Please note that all overnight/​extended tours have a sin­gle sup­ple­ment charge for pas­sen­gers trav­el­ling by them­selves and requir­ing their own room. Prices depend on the indi­vid­ual tour.

- Fly Option is a return scenic flight back to Broome and it must be pre-booked (cannot upgrade on the day).
- Infant fare type for day tours is 0-3yrs. Infant fare type for tours with a scenic flight is 0-2 yrs.
- Food is not included for infants.
- Child fare type is for 4-12 years
- Sea Safari Cruise varies depending on tidal conditions, and Infants are unable to participate in the Sea Safari segment of the tour.
- In the event that Beagle Bay is closed this stop will be replaced with Lombadina. Tours no longer go to Kooljaman.

2025 season start dates...

Get ready for amazing tours departing from Broome with Australian Pinnacle Tours

PLEASE NOTE: Full Day Dampier Peninsula and Aboriginal Communities Full Day Tours resume from 16th April 2025 and Half Day Afternoon Town Tours from 22nd April 2025.

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