Banana Well Getaway

Cape Leveque Road Dampier Peninsula WA 6725
Accommodation Caravan Parks Dampier Peninsula

Check In: 14:00 | Check Out: 10:00
Hours: 7am - 8pm

DIS­CON­NECT IN NATURE End­less Camp­ing and Car­a­van Sites. Cen­tral­ly locat­ed on the Dampi­er Penin­su­la Spa­cious car­a­van & camp­ing sites on shady grassed camp­grounds in a nat­ur­al bush set­ting with an Arte­sian Spring fed Dip Pool!

Escape to the nat­ur­al beau­ty of Banana Well Get­away, an Indige­nous-owned, off-grid, eco-friend­ly bush camp­ground offer­ing spa­cious car­a­van and camp­ing sites on shady grassed grounds, ide­al for con­nect­ing to nature.

Immerse your­self in fish­ing, crab­bing, explor­ing our self-guid­ed nature trail and indulging in the diverse nature of flo­ra and fau­na on coun­try. Our qui­et escape, awaits you at our fam­i­ly and dog-friend­ly camp­ground, with a small dip pool filled from our arte­sian spring.

Cen­tral­ly locat­ed on the Dampi­er Penin­su­la, Banana Well Get­away serves as a per­fect retreat from the hus­tle and bus­tle, just 10km from Bea­gle Bay Com­mu­ni­ty. Make this your base as you explore the near­by attrac­tions like Bea­gle Bay Church, Lom­bad­i­na art cen­tre, Aardy­loon hatch­ery, Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm to name a few.

Unwind, recon­nect with nature, and cre­ate last­ing mem­o­ries at Banana Well Get­away. It’s your hid­den gem in the Kim­ber­ley, invit­ing you to embrace the sim­plic­i­ty of life in a breath­tak­ing nat­ur­al set­ting. Plan your vis­it today and embark on an unfor­get­table adven­ture.

- Shady grassed car­a­van and camp­ing sites
- Air-con­di­tioned cab­ins
- Small dip pool with min­er­al water
- Fish­ing and crab­bing oppor­tu­ni­ties
- Self guid­ed nature trail
- Dog-friend­ly environment

Vis­it web­site to book: https://​bananawell​get​away​.com​.au/

Email bookings@​bananawellgetaway.​com.​au

Phone 08 9192 4040

Nature Walk Trail at Banana Well Getaway

Discover the beauty of our self-guided Nature Walk Trail, where you can immerse yourself in the diverse flora and fauna of the Dampier Peninsula. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast or just looking for a peaceful stroll, this trail is perfect for you! Learn more here

Trip Planner