Broome Adventure Company - Turtle Kayak Adventure

Hours: 7.00am - 9.00pm

TUR­TLE KAYAK Marine Eco Adven­ture

Expe­ri­ence the nat­ur­al won­ders of Broome’s coast­line on a pad­dle adven­ture. Take time to dis­cov­er this amaz­ing marine envi­ron­ment where you have a chance to spot a tur­tle from your kayak. Stop off half way for an explore, refresh­ing swim, cool drinks and beach snacks.

Richard Young Pho­tog­ra­phy Catch us at the Broome Cour­t­house Mar­kets for fine art Prints and can­vas prints of the Broome and West Kim­ber­ley Region. Spe­cial­is­ing in land­scape, aer­i­al, night sky, storm and boab pho­tog­ra­phy. Tours and work­shops avail­able on request. 

Broome Adven­ture Com­pa­ny has pro­vid­ed sea kayak tours around Broome’s scenic coast­line since 2001 and more recent­ly Richard Young Pho­tog­ra­phy print sales and pho­tog­ra­phy tours and workshops. 

The Tur­tle Kayak explores Broome’s turquoise waters with stun­ning coast­line, abun­dant marine life and cruisy pad­dling make this an essen­tial way to spend a morn­ing or after­noon in Broome. No expe­ri­ence is required. 

Vis­it­ing Broome for a Con­fer­ence, Incen­tive hol­i­day or Group Tour? The Broome Adven­ture Com­pa­ny offers a range of Cor­po­rate Activ­i­ties or group pack­ages to suit your needs.

Broome Adven­ture Com­pa­ny ensure the high­est safe­ty stan­dards, all guides are expe­ri­enced, friend­ly, knowl­edge­able and suit­ably qual­i­fied as well as hav­ing a pas­sion for shar­ing amaz­ing envi­ron­ments with others. 

Start times vary accord­ing to tides in the morn­ing or sun­set. Please advise your pick up loca­tion, as cour­tesy trans­port is pro­vid­ed. Child age is from 6 – 17 yrs.

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