Broome Bird Observatory TOURS

Tours and Activities Land Based Tours Water Based Tours

Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM March through November. These hours apply to the office and shop, but the Observatory trails and facilities are accessible at all hours.

Broome Bird Obser­va­to­ry – A Haven for Bird­watch­ers on Roe­buck Bay
Nes­tled on the stun­ning north shore of Roe­buck Bay, the Broome Bird Obser­va­to­ry (BBO) is Australia’s shore­bird cap­i­tal and one of the world’s pre­mier bird­watch­ing des­ti­na­tions. As a not-for-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion, we are ded­i­cat­ed to research, edu­ca­tion, and recre­ation­al bird­watch­ing.

Explore with Our Expert-Led Bird­watch­ing ToursJoin one of our guid­ed bird­watch­ing tours and dis­cov­er Broome’s remark­able birdlife! We offer:
Half-day tours (3 hours) – Choose from Man­groves, Shore­birds and Bush and Plains tours. Per­fect for a snap­shot of Roe­buck Bay’s diverse habi­tats and bird species.
Full-day tours (7 – 8 hours) — A Coastal tour vis­it­ing man­groves, wet­lands, sandy beach­es, and more. Chances to see a wide vari­ety of bird life.

With over 300 record­ed bird species, our expe­ri­enced guides will help you spot long-desired birds — whether you’re a sea­soned bird­er or just start­ing out.

Expe­ri­ence More at Broome Bird Obser­va­to­ry
Bird Log (every evening) – Research col­lec­tion by shar­ing your sight­ings and hear what oth­ers have spot­ted.
Nature Trails – Wan­der through unique ecosys­tems sur­round­ing the Obser­va­to­ry.
Incred­i­ble Wildlife – Wit­ness thou­sands of shore­birds roost­ing, the mag­ic of Broome’s 10-metre tides, and the beau­ty of Roe­buck Bay and the Roe­buck open plains.

Impor­tant Vis­i­tor Infor­ma­tion
No Pets, Drones, or Bird Call Play­back are per­mit­ted.
Trav­el­ing with chil­dren under 7? Please call before book­ing tours.

Vis­it us and dis­cov­er why Broome is a world-renowned bird­watch­ing destination!

Book online from 1st March 2025 below...

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