Broome Camel Safaris

Tours and Activities Land Based Tours

Broome Camel Safaris Broome’s longest serv­ing, and most respect­ed and expe­ri­enced camel tour oper­a­tor, with Cable Beach’s only true camel lady. Expe­ri­ence the splen­dour of Cable Beach from Broome’s friend­liest and most loved camels.

Ali­son and Allen are Broome’s longest serv­ing, and most respect­ed camel tour oper­a­tor. With over 29 years expe­ri­ence, Ali­son Bird has trained her camels from the wild, and trekked in the Aus­tralian out­back with them for over sev­en years explor­ing and paint­ing. She has an affin­i­ty with these big, soft eyed desert ani­mals, and hers are the most loved camels in Broome.

Alison’s pro­fes­sion­al team will delight you with their knowl­edge of the nature and his­to­ry of camels in Aus­tralia, and will take many glo­ri­ous pho­tos with your cam­era for last­ing mem­o­ries. Have a real camel expe­ri­ence and meet a true char­ac­ter of the Aus­tralian bush!

Take a jour­ney along Cable Beach on the friend­liest camels in Broome. Per­son­al­ly thank your camel by giv­ing him/​her a juicy car­rot (pro­vid­ed by us) after enjoy­ing our fab­u­lous Sun­set ride.

All Ladies riding with Broome Camel Safaris receive a free pair of sterling silver fresh water pearl earrings from the showroom of Dahlia Designs.

Please be aware that we have a weight restriction of 90kg, thankyou. With Broome Camel Safaris, two passengers ride each camel.

Adult rate - All guests over 16 years of age
Child rate - 5-15 years of age and must not exceed 60kg (or will ride as an adult fare)
Lap-sitters - If you are booking for a child under 5 years of age, they are classed as a lap-sitter and will ride sharing a seat with a responsible adult. Please include details of their age and weight in the notes section of your booking.

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