Broome Courthouse Markets

8 Hammersley Street Broome WA 6725
Local Businesses Attractions Family Fun Markets

Hours: Saturday Courthouse Markets: 8am - 1pm (annually), Sunday Courthouse Markets: 8am - 1pm high season. 8am - 12pm low season.

The Broome Cour­t­house Mar­kets are held in the beau­ti­ful her­itage list­ed gar­dens of the Broome Cour­t­house. The mar­kets start­ed over 25 years ago by a small group of locals wish­ing to trade local prod­ucts and the mar­kets have grown to become a major tourist attrac­tion in Broome and host up to 100 cre­ative stalls over the Dry Season. 

Sat­ur­day Cour­t­house Mar­ket
Every Sat­ur­day of the year 8am — 1pm (Broome Cour­t­house Gar­dens)
Sat­ur­day mar­kets end at 12pm in low season.

Sun­day Cour­t­house Mar­ket­Sun­days only in high sea­son 8am — 1pm (Broome Cour­t­house Gar­dens) Sun­day mar­kets end at 12pm in low season.

Thurs­day Night Mar­kets
4pm — 8pm, every Thurs­day night in high sea­son (Town Beach precinct)

Stair­case to the Moon Mar­kets
4pm – 8pm, on one night only dur­ing Stair­case to the Moon (Town Beach precinct)

Vis­it the Broome Mar­kets website


Find out more on these links...

Visitors to the Courthouse Garden Markets can get the Broome Explorer bus (Stop 12 or 33 depending on the route).
Visitors to the Staircase and Night Markets can get the Broome Explorer bus (Stop 6).

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