Broome Fishing Club

Lot 956 Kabbarli Road Broome
Beverages Family Fun Local Businesses

Hours: Friday from 4pm, Saturday & Sunday from 12pm

Broome Fish­ing Club is locat­ed over­look­ing Roe­buck Bay. We sup­port sus­tain­able fish­ing prac­tices and encour­age catch and release Fish Today for Tomorrow”.

In the mid eight­ies a group of keen fisho’s got togeth­er to main­ly share a beer and a few fish­ing sto­ries, but also with the intent of fos­ter­ing a club where mem­bers could share in their fish­ing pas­sion. At first they con­duct­ed meet­ings at each oth­ers hous­es, but when the num­bers grew, var­i­ous hotels around town allowed the group to have their month­ly meet­ings with­in the bar area. Not hap­py with just talk­ing about fish­ing they start­ed hav­ing fort­night­ly com­pe­ti­tions, with the win­ners vying for a very pres­ti­gious stub­by cool­er. These com­pe­ti­tions con­tin­ued through­out the year and even­tu­al­ly led to year­ly prizes for cham­pi­on angler in a range of divi­sions that accom­mo­dat­ed the con­tin­ued growth of atten­dance that was occurring.

Orig­i­nal­ly the club was known as the Roe­buck Bay Game and Sport Fish­ing Club and was incor­po­rat­ed on the 23rd of April 1990. A change of name was decid­ed upon and the club was renamed on the 27th Octo­ber 2000 to the Broome Fish­ing Club. In the ear­ly 90’s they secured land at the present site at Entrance Point and went on to build the cur­rent club house in 1993. The mem­ber­ship at this time was in the mid 60’s.

Fam­i­ly friend­ly
Mem­ber’s draw every Sun­day.
Venue Hire

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