Broome Gallery

Arts & Culture Attractions Local Businesses

Hours: Open Tuesday to Friday 9am - 3pm and Saturday 9am - 2pm. Closed on Sunday and Monday.

Explore the beau­ty of the Kim­ber­ley through our exclu­sive col­lec­tion of art at Broome Gallery.

Fea­tur­ing the cap­ti­vat­ing works of James Down, our art exhibits the vibrant colours and enchant­i­ng spir­it of Broome and the Kimberley. 

Each paint­ing is a win­dow into the cap­ti­vat­ing world of con­tem­po­rary art, offer­ing you an item of this stun­ning region to adorn your space.

Explore our curat­ed selec­tion of art bring home a piece of Kim­ber­ley’s allure.

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