Broome Urgent Care Clinic

Unit 3 Hamerley Street Broome 6725
Local Businesses

Hours: Open 7 days a week 8am - 4pm

Broome Urgent Care Clin­ic gives you and your fam­i­ly more options to see a doc­tor or nurse when you need urgent, but not life-threat­en­ing, care.

When you have an injury or ill­ness that can’t wait for a reg­u­lar GP appoint­ment but is not life-threatening.

- Minor infec­tions
- Minor frac­tures, sprains, sports injuries and sud­den onset neck and back pain
- Uri­nary tract infec­tions (UTIs)
- Sex­u­al­ly trans­mit­ted infec­tions (STIs)
- Minor cuts
- Insect bites and rash­es
- Minor eye and ear infec­tions
- Res­pi­ra­to­ry ill­ness
- Gas­troen­teri­tis
- Mild burns
- Pre­scrip­tions only when miss­ing med­ica­tion could result in a life threat­en­ing or urgent situation.

Medicare UCCs will refer you to the emer­gency depart­ment if you have a life-threat­en­ing injury or ill­ness, or to your GP for non-urgent, rou­tine and pre­ven­ta­tive health care.

Walk in – No appoint­ment is need­ed.
Bulk Billed.

Vis­it website

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