Broome's Quirky Tales and Wild Adventures

Arts & Culture Land Based Tours Local Businesses Tours and Activities

Get ready for a tour like no oth­er with Keven Foulkes, Broome’s very own sto­ry­teller extra­or­di­naire. Hold on tight as Kev takes you on a ride through the untamed his­to­ry and hilar­i­ous anec­dotes of Broome. A Broome local from 3 years of age, Son of the dinosaur foot­print dis­cov­er­er Paul Foulkes, and part-time adven­tur­er. Hear side-split­ting sto­ries of Broome’s good ol’ days.

Encounter the local flo­ra & fau­na. Enjoy lunch at the leg­endary Roey Pub, where the sto­ries flow as freely as the drinks. Or choose a balmy evening tour end­ing in a mag­i­cal sun­set at Cable Beach with cham­pagne in hand (because why not). 

Pre­pare for polit­i­cal­ly incor­rect humour that will leave you in stitch­es (View­er dis­cre­tion advised)

Keven’s jokes may offend the over­ly sen­si­tive or those lack­ing a sense of humour.

Pick-up and return trans­port included.

4 Hour guid­ed tour with Broome’s own sto­ry­teller extra­or­di­naire, Keven Foulkes.
Com­pli­men­ta­ry lunch at the leg­endary Roey Pub
$200.00 per per­son (Min­i­mum 2 peo­ple per tour)
Morn­ing: 9am-1pm and Evening: 4pm ‑7pm

2 Hour guid­ed tour with Keven

No lunch
$100.00 per per­son (Min­i­mum 2 peo­ple per tour)
7 days a week

Please call to book

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