Bunda Bunda NJ Tours

Tours and Activities Arts & Culture Dampier Peninsula Land Based Tours

AN AMAZ­ING CUL­TUR­AL EXCHANGE — Join Jabirr Jabirr, Ngum­barl man Jay­den Howard on a cul­tur­al taga­long tour through the spec­tac­u­lar coastal coun­try of the Dampi­er Penin­su­la. Trav­el along dirt tracks and explore remote, white, sandy beach­es, fresh water springs and amaz­ing man­grove ecosys­tems and secret fish­ing locations.

The Dampi­er Penin­su­la is the tra­di­tion­al lands of sev­en Abo­rig­i­nal lan­guage groups. The area around Carnot Bay is Jabirr Jabirr, Ngar­mul Coun­try. Learn about the tra­di­tion­al lives of the salt­wa­ter peo­ple, the sea­sons that we lived by and how this coun­try pro­vid­ed for our ances­tors and how they in turn, took care of Country.

Grow­ing up in the area, Jaden spent his time fish­ing and explor­ing the man­groves. Fish­ing with local knowl­edge all but guraran­tees you’ll come away with a catch. Join Jaden on tour as he shares his favourite loca­tions and fish­ing spots with you.

Explore the man­groves on foot in search of mud­shells, bomb­shells and mud­crabs and hope­ful­ly some fish species. Learn about the six sea­sons and how to iden­ti­fy impor­tant bush­foods and med­i­cine plants. Share tra­di­tion­al sur­vival skills and hear about local his­to­ry and Jabirr Jabirr Dream­ing sto­ries con­nect­ed to the area.


After a mod­er­ate 1km walk . Along the way, fish for Man­grove Jack and Bar­ra­mun­di, learn about tra­di­tion­al hunter gath­er­ing tech­niques includ­ing thrownet fish­ing and spearfish­ing. We fin­ish at a shel­tered camp site, where we cook up the catch of the day and enjoy cold drinks and fresh­ly made sandwiches .

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