Bungle Bungle Caravan Park & Tour Company

Bungle Bungle Caravan Park and Tour Company

Check In: 14:00 | Check Out: 10:00

Acces­si­ble by 2WD vehi­cles and Caravans/​Motor Homes. Tours and activ­i­ties, pow­ered and un-pow­ered sites, tents.

Bun­gle Bun­gle Car­a­van Park is locat­ed one kilo­me­tre along Spring Creek Track into the World Her­itage Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park. 

Bun­gle Bun­gle Car­a­van Park and Tour Com­pa­ny offers a range of accom­mo­da­tions includ­ing com­fort­ably appoint­ed air-con­di­tioned cab­ins for three, 

gen­er­ous pow­ered and non-pow­ered car­a­van sites. 

The small­er spaces for rooftops and a grassy area just for tents and swags. 

The cab­ins accom­mo­date two to three guests fea­tur­ing a queen size and king sin­gle bed in each. 

Recep­tion often assists with a fourth per­son for these book­ings. All have a patio area over­look­ing Mabel Downs sta­tion or the camp area. 

Bun­gle Bun­gle Car­a­van Park & Tour Com­pa­ny advis­es two-wheel dri­ve acces­si­bil­i­ty to the car­a­van park only, 

High Clear­ance 4×4 and sin­gle axel trail­ers only for the nation­al park. 

Bun­gle Bun­gle Car­a­van Park is pet friend­ly; how­ev­er, the Nation­al Park is not. We offer pet sit­ting where pos­si­ble, for a dona­tion into our RFDS Tin.

The licensed restau­rant offers com­mu­nal din­ing, a bar­beque buf­fet of local­ly sourced beef, snags and salt­wa­ter bar­ra­mun­di, three deli­cious sal­ads and a fin­ished dessert, all while our fire pit crack­les away under the Kim­ber­ley stars with new friend­ships and amaz­ing sto­ries wait­ing to be told. 

Book­ings are essen­tial, and cater­ing for all dietary require­ments is avail­able when booking.

For those not wish­ing to self-dri­ve into the Bun­gle Bun­gle, 4×4 bus tours oper­ate dai­ly, num­ber dependent.

Sit back and enjoy the ear­ly morn­ing dri­ve across Mabel Downs Sta­tion, learn­ing about the cat­tle indus­try and his­to­ry of the Kim­ber­ley and maybe spot some wildlife and Sta­tion cattle.

Once in Pur­nu­l­u­lu, you will learn about the his­to­ry of the park, unique geol­o­gy, rich indige­nous his­to­ry and fauna. 

After morn­ing tea at the vis­i­tor cen­tre we trav­el south along the Bun­gle Bun­gle range to the Domes and Cathe­dral Gorge where guides will walk with you through the Domes and into the Gorge. Be sure to leave your­self time to enjoy the spir­i­tu­al atmos­phere with­in Cathe­dral Gorge.

After lunch, you will trav­el to the north­ern end of the park to enjoy a cool walk into Echid­na Chasm amongst Livis­to­nia Palms and the nar­row walls of the Chasm. 

Osmond’s look­out is also on the agenda. 

The after­noon trip back to the park is to relax and reflect on your day­time, arriv­ing back at 4:30 — 5 pm.

Time to enjoy a coldie” and a deli­cious bar­beque on com­mu­nal tables, to share sto­ries and make new friends.

Tours include morn­ing tea, lunch, din­ner and Nation­al Park fees. 

Echid­na Chasm — steep and uneven at times 

Cathe­dral Gorge — some stairs are mod­er­ate­ly easy

Guests will walk approx­i­mate­ly six kilo­me­tres through­out the day.

Bungle Bungle Caravan Park OPENING SOON!

Open from 1st May 2025
Bookings are open NOW and we're so excited to be welcoming guests this year.
We have 4x4 bus tours into the world heritage Purnululu National Park, visiting Cathedral Gorge & Echidna Chasm daily ( numbers dep ) inclusive of morning tea, lunch and Dinner on your return. The Bar a van opens at 4.30pm, just as the fire pit takes hold for the evening. Booking Dinner is a sinch! Communal at the Mabel Downs Bull Ring as our Chefs prepare a feast from the land, sea & earth, all locally sourced and finished with desserts to die for; will bound to combine travel tales, experiences and new friends.

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