Bungle Bungle Savannah Lodge


Hours: April to September

Spend a night in the heart of World Her­itage list­ed Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park at the Bun­gle Bun­gle Savan­nah Lodge. Bun­gle Bun­gle Savan­nah Lodge offers twin share, dou­ble or fam­i­ly cab­in options, all with pri­vate ensuite. Din­ner, bed and break­fast pack­ages avail­able. Equipped with a licensed bar, the only swim­ming pool in the nation­al park and chef-pre­pared meals using fresh local ingre­di­ents infused with native herbs and spices.

Spend a night in the heart of World Her­itage list­ed Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park at the Bun­gle Bun­gle Savan­nah Lodge.

Walk through 350-mil­lion-year-old gorges and amongst striped sand­stone domes, then enjoy a drink at the Bun­gles Bar to share the day’s sto­ries. Take a refresh­ing dip in our pool before feast­ing on a tan­ta­lis­ing chef pre­pared din­ner, infused with native herbs and spices. Retire to your pri­vate cab­in with ensuite bath­room to sleep in com­fort sur­round­ed by nature.

We have twen­ty-six stand­alone cab­ins avail­able as twin share, dou­ble and one fam­i­ly cab­in that fits four guests.

In Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park, you will find one of the most sparkling night skies in the world. Dis­cov­er the unin­ter­rupt­ed views Milky Way and South­ern Cross from your own pri­vate balcony.

There a very lit­tle expe­ri­ences that can com­pare with explor­ing the fas­ci­nat­ing Bun­gle Bun­gle by day and stay­ing overnight in Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park.

*The lodge sleeps 54 guests in com­fort­able, roomy cab­ins with en-suite bath­rooms*

*Enjoy din­ner and break­fast either in the din­ing room or on the deck*

*Relax around the fire and chat at the licensed bar or refresh your­self in our solar heat­ed inground pool*

*Tours are avail­able to explore the Bun­gle Bun­gle with a local guide*

Book online below

EN-SUITE CABIN including Dinner, Bed & Breakfast

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 2

SELF DRI­VE | Din­ner, Bed & Break­fast Accom­mo­da­tion | CHILD RATE 3 – 12 years inclu­sive | INFANTS 0 – 2 years inclu­sive — free of charge. INCLUD­ED: Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park camp­ing fee | Pri­vate en-suite cab­in with (2) king sin­gles or (1) queen with qual­i­ty bed­ding | bed­side tables | read­ing lamps | pedestal fan | mul­ti­ple lou­vre win­dows for air­flow | veran­dah with table & chairs | 240-volt pow­er out­lets. Pri­vate en-suite includ­ing tow­els | face cloths | hand soap | body wash | body lotion | sham­poo & con­di­tion­er. Chef pre­pared 2 course din­ner and break­fast. As a result of our restrict­ed pow­er, our cab­ins are equipped with pedestal fans and lou­vre win­dows to cir­cu­late air and 240v pow­er is pro­vid­ed for charg­ing phones and cam­eras. We do not have air-con­di­tion­ing or fridges in the cab­ins. LODGE FACIL­I­TIES: Solar heat­ed inground pool with com­pli­men­ta­ry guest tow­els | Licensed Bun­gles Bar open dai­ly from 4 – 8pm with cold drinks, a small selec­tion of snacks, mer­chan­dise and a selec­tion of beer, wine & spir­its | Eft­pos facil­i­ties avail­able (no cash out) | Indoor & out­door din­ing areas | Com­mu­nal Fire Pit | BBQ area. NOT INCLUD­ED: Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park entry fee | Refrig­er­a­tion — please note car fridges can­not be plugged into 240-volt pow­er with­in the cab­ins due to our solar pow­er sup­ply. They will need to remain in the vehi­cle | Lunch — it can be pur­chased to eat in-house or take­away with 12-hours pri­or notice.

  • Balcony
  • Non Smoking
  • Shower

FAMILY EN-SUITE CABIN including Dinner, Bed & Breakfast

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 4

SELF DRI­VE | Din­ner, Bed & Break­fast Accom­mo­da­tion | CHILD RATE 3 – 12 years inclu­sive | INFANTS 0 – 2 years inclu­sive — free of charge. This cab­in does not accom­mo­date more than 2 adults, all Chil­dren must be under 12 years old to be accom­mo­dat­ed in this room type. INCLUD­ED: Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park camp­ing fee | Fam­i­ly en-suite cab­in with (1) Queen & (1) bunk bed (only rat­ed for chil­dren) locat­ed in the same room next to each oth­er | Qual­i­ty bed­ding | bed­side tables | read­ing lamps | pedestal fan | mul­ti­ple lou­vre win­dows for air­flow | veran­dah with table & chairs | 240-volt pow­er out­lets. Pri­vate en-suite includ­ing tow­els | face cloths | hand soap | body wash | body lotion | sham­poo & con­di­tion­er. Chef pre­pared 2 course din­ner and break­fast. LODGE FACIL­I­TIES: Solar heat­ed in-ground pool with com­pli­men­ta­ry guest tow­els | Licensed Bun­gles Bar open dai­ly from 4 – 8 pm with cold drinks, a small selec­tion of snacks, mer­chan­dise and a selec­tion of beer, wine & spir­its | Eft facil­i­ties avail­able (no cash out) | Indoor & out­door din­ing areas | Com­mu­nal Fire Pit | BBQ area. NOT INCLUD­ED: Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park entry fee | Refrig­er­a­tion — please note car fridges can­not be plugged into 240-volt pow­er with­in the cab­ins due to our solar pow­er sup­ply. They will need to remain in the vehi­cle | Lunch — how­ev­er it can be pur­chased to eat in-house or take­away with 12-hours pri­or notice.

  • Balcony
  • Non Smoking
  • Shower

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