Cable Beach House

Cable Beach Road (West) Broome WA 6725
Local Businesses Beverages

Hours: Kisok Open 6am-7pm daily. Breakfast From 7am-11am daily. Lunch & Dinner: From 11.30am daily.

Cul­tured food and ton­ics matched with pre­mi­um ser­vice and ever-chang­ing exquis­ite views of Cable Beach that will more than sat­is­fy our patrons of Broome, and their fam­i­ly, friends and guests.

Cable Beach is an icon­ic and world-famous 22km stretch of beach known for its per­fect white sandy beach and stun­ning sun­set views that are enjoyed by locals and tourists all year round. Steeped in his­to­ry, an under­sea tele­graph cable which orig­i­nal­ly con­nect­ed via Dar­win, link­ing Aus­tralia to Java and the rest of the world, was rerout­ed through Broome because of vol­canic activ­i­ty in the Ara­fu­ra Sea.

In Feb­ru­ary 1889, when the cable land­ed ashore in Broome, the beach became known as Cable Beach. The venue itself has held promi­nence since its foun­da­tions were laid atop the sand dunes look­ing out over Cable Beach — from dis­tin­guished tea house rooms to relaxed coastal eateries.

Cable Beach House has been re-imag­ined, styled and designed to pay homage to its sig­nif­i­cant his­to­ry, whilst reflect­ing the mod­ern era of the var­i­ous relaxed yet sophis­ti­cat­ed coastal lifestyles of Broome. You’ll always be warm­ly wel­comed at Cable Beach House — we want you to sit back and enjoy the best view in Broome and be equal­ly delight­ed with our excep­tion­al food, drinks and service.

Open Dai­ly
Kiosk 6am to 7pm
Restau­rant 7am to close

CBH Kiosk
Take­away cof­fee, smooth­ies and grab-and-go snacks and meals for the food­ies, health freaks and family.

Open 6am-7pm daily.

Break­fast Crew
Morn­ing starts have nev­er looked bet­ter — or tasti­er — with healthy and some more indul­gent options to choose from. 

From 7am-11am daily.

All Day Deli­cious­ness
Dine in and enjoy your favourite meals and share plates with some­thing for every taste bud.

From 11.30am daily.

We’re impar­tial to a drink or two — and like to think we know what the locals like, and our vis­i­tors too.

The drinks menu is ever-chang­ing but we will always have a few local favourites, some Kim­ber­ley-inspired cock­tails, a darn good wine list, and fresh flavours to keep your taste buds tingling.

*Please note you must be over 18+ to book a table with us*

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Kiosk menu

Break­fast menu

All Day menu

Trip Planner