Cable Beach House

Cable Beach Road (West) Broome WA 6726
Local Businesses Beverages

Hours: Kisok Open 6am-7pm daily. Restaurant from 12pm weekdays. Sat & Sun from 7am.

Cul­tured food and ton­ics matched with pre­mi­um ser­vice and ever-chang­ing exquis­ite views of Cable Beach that will more than sat­is­fy our patrons of Broome, and their fam­i­ly, friends and guests.

Cable Beach is an icon­ic and world-famous 22km stretch of beach known for its per­fect white sandy beach and stun­ning sun­set views that are enjoyed by locals and tourists all year round. Steeped in his­to­ry, an under­sea tele­graph cable which orig­i­nal­ly con­nect­ed via Dar­win, link­ing Aus­tralia to Java and the rest of the world, was rerout­ed through Broome because of vol­canic activ­i­ty in the Ara­fu­ra Sea.

In Feb­ru­ary 1889, when the cable land­ed ashore in Broome, the beach became known as Cable Beach. The venue itself has held promi­nence since its foun­da­tions were laid atop the sand dunes look­ing out over Cable Beach — from dis­tin­guished tea house rooms to relaxed coastal eateries.

Cable Beach House has been re-imag­ined, styled and designed to pay homage to its sig­nif­i­cant his­to­ry, whilst reflect­ing the mod­ern era of the var­i­ous relaxed yet sophis­ti­cat­ed coastal lifestyles of Broome. You’ll always be warm­ly wel­comed at Cable Beach House — we want you to sit back and enjoy the best view in Broome and be equal­ly delight­ed with our excep­tion­al food, drinks and service.

Restau­rant open Dai­ly
Mon­day through to Fri­day from 12PM,
Sat­ur­day and Sun­day from 7AM.

CBH Kiosk
Take­away cof­fee, smooth­ies and grab-and-go snacks and meals for the food­ies, health freaks and fam­i­ly. Open 6am daily.

We’re impar­tial to a drink or two — and like to think we know what the locals like, and our vis­i­tors too.

The drinks menu is ever-chang­ing but we will always have a few local favourites, some Kim­ber­ley-inspired cock­tails, a darn good wine list, and fresh flavours to keep your taste buds tingling.

*Please note you must be over 18+ to book a table with us*

View web­site and menus

Book a table


Available now!


Wet Season Opening hours
Monday through to Friday the restaurant opens from 12PM, Saturday and Sunday from 7AM.
For our breakfast, coffee and acai lovers the Kiosk will still be open from 6AM EVERYDAY!

Bookings are available for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Sunset Drinks
Monday to Saturday from 4pm - 6pm
*Margaritas, Espresso Martinis, Mojitos, Daiquiris, Aperol Spritz and Whiskey Sours.
Offer may change.

Sundays have never looked better... from 2pm.
Chilled vibes and smooth beats all overlooking the incredible Cable Beach
Party on the deck or inside in the A/C.
$20 Pizzas
$12 Aperol Spritz
$10 Schooners of Quokka Export Lager.
Offer may change.

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