Discovery Parks- Margaret River

8113 Bussell Highway Cowaramup WA 6284
Accommodation Local Business

Check In: 14:00 | Check Out: 10:00
Hours: 8.30am to 6.30pm

DIs­cov­ery Parks Mar­garet Riv­er is con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed in the heart of the Mar­garet Riv­er Wine Region in the South West of West­ern Aus­tralia, a short 3 hour dri­ve from Perth.

This Dis­cov­ery Park is farm themed and an ide­al place to base your­self while explor­ing the near­by caves, winer­ies, surf beach­es, whale watch­ing, cruis­es and many more local attrac­tions of Mar­garet Riv­er and Cow Town” (Cow­aramup).

The tran­quil farm envi­ron­ment offers accom­mo­da­tion to suit most bud­gets and includes ful­ly self-con­tained farm-style cot­tages (4 with full wheel­chair access), large dri­ve-through car­a­van and motorhome sites (all grassed) and a wood­land camp­ing area.

BIG4 Taunton Farm is a work­ing farm with the star attrac­tion being the farm ani­mal feed­ing every after­noon. Our facil­i­ties include a large barn-style camper’s kitchen with log fire and free gas BBQ’s.

Don’t for­get the kids, we have a new bounc­ing pil­low they will just love!

RV dump point for reg­is­tered guests only

Discovery Parks- Margaret River is located near Margaret River in Cowaramup. We are pleased to recommend this regional member to you.

Powered site

Room Configuration: camping site
Max Guests: 6

Our incred­i­bly spa­cious sites offer a broad range to suit all car­a­vans, camper vans, motor homes and tents. Select from Large Dri­ve Through, Medi­um Reverse in or Small Camp­ing Pow­ered or Un-pow­ered sites. All of our sites have access to our excel­lent facil­i­ties includ­ing spot­less­ly clean ameni­ties, laun­dry, camp kitchen and BBQ area. All our camp sites are a stones throw from our work­ing farm, over­look­ing pad­docks and the large dam. BIG4 Taunton Farm pro­vides an ide­al envi­ron­ment for a get­away Camp­ing or Caravaning

    Standard 2 Bedroom Cabin

    Room Configuration: 2 b/rm
    Max Guests: 6

    Self con­tained cot­tage has dou­ble bed recessed back with cur­tains. Small bed­room with 2 sets of bunks.

      Standard 2 Bedroom Cabin - Sleeps 5

      Room Configuration: 2 bedroom with lounge
      Max Guests: 5

      Large Self Con­tained Cot­tage has Queen bed and Sep­a­rate bed­room with Queen bed and 1 set of bunks

        Standard 2 Bedroom Cabin - Sleeps 6

        Room Configuration: 2 bedroom with lounge
        Max Guests: 6

        Large self con­tained cot­tage, has queen bed and sep­a­rate bed­room with 2 sets of bunks.

          Standard Studio Cabin

          Room Configuration: 1 bedroom or motel room
          Max Guests: 4

          Self Con­tained Open Plan cot­tage with dou­ble bed recessed back with cur­tains. Has bunk bed,.

            Powered Sites - Drive Through

            Room Configuration: Tent
            Max Guests: 6

            Large grassed dri­ve through sites

              Powered Sites - Tents

              Room Configuration: Tent
              Max Guests: 6

                Trip Planner