Discovery Resorts – Lake Argyle

Lot 525 Lake Argyle Road Lake Argyle WA 6743

Check In: 15:00 | Check Out: 10.00
Hours: 7.30am until 8.00pm May to September Australian Western Time<br> 8.00am to 6.00pm October to April Australian Western Time

Come for a day — Stay for a week The only des­ti­na­tion with exclu­sive lake front accommodation.

Lake Argyle is one of the most fas­ci­nat­ing and beau­ti­ful attrac­tions in the Kimberley.

Each year thou­sands of vis­i­tors trav­el to see the spec­tac­u­lar lake nes­tled among the crag­gy mass­es of the Carr Boyd Ranges.

We trust you will enjoy our peace­ful paradise.

Base your­self at Dis­cov­ery Resorts — Lake Argyle and expe­ri­ence all that the East Kim­ber­ley has to offer. 

Made famous by breath­tak­ing views from its infin­i­ty pool, Dis­cov­ery Resorts – Lake Argyle has a vari­ety of accom­mo­da­tion options to suit all types of trav­ellers. From Unpow­ered Camp­ing Sites to Deluxe 4‑bedroom Lake­view Cab­ins, all guests have access to the park’s facil­i­ties which include the swim­ming pool, fam­i­ly-friend­ly restau­rant with beer gar­den, and a small gen­er­al store for guests’ convenience. 

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