Discovery Resorts - Lake Argyle (Tours)

Tours Boat Cruises Local Business Water Based Tours

Locat­ed a leisure­ly 50 minute dri­ve from Kununur­ra, Lake Argyle is one of West­ern Aus­trali­a’s most spec­tac­u­lar attrac­tions, and one of the states biggest Lakes! 

With a sur­face area of over 1000 square kilo­me­ters and a shore­line stretch­ing 900 kilo­me­ters, Lake Argyle is home to an esti­mat­ed 30,000 fresh­wa­ter croc­o­diles, 26 species of fish and 3 vari­eties of fresh­wa­ter tortoise. 

The RAM­SAR Wet­land of Inter­na­tion­al Sig­nif­i­cance is also a habi­tat to more than 270 bird species. 

You’ll dis­cov­er all of this and more on a mag­nif­i­cent Lake Argyle Tour

Dis­cov­ery Resorts — Lake Argyle (Tours) have been oper­at­ing on Lake Argyle since the Dam was first filled in 1973. Let our expe­ri­enced boat cap­tains take you on an infor­ma­tive jour­ney around the his­to­ry and devel­op­ment of Lake Argyle and the Ord Riv­er Scheme. Our pur­pose-built ves­sel Kim­ber­ley Durack” allows guests to get up close and per­son­al with the lake’s res­i­dent birdlife, rock wal­la­bies, croc­o­diles, wal­la­roos and much much more!

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