Diver's Tavern

12 Cable Beach Road Cable Beach WA 6725
Local Businesses Beverages

One of Broome’s most pop­u­lar venues with locals and tourists alike, Divers Tav­ern boasts a charm­ing bistro, an out­door beach bar, a tav­ern bar, FOX sports cov­er­age on mul­ti­ple big screens and the largest TAB facil­i­ties in Broome.

Divers Tav­ern is locat­ed just over the road from the mag­nif­i­cent Cable Beach. Locals and vis­i­tors alike can enjoy an exten­sive range of bev­er­ages, great food, live sports and entertainment.

Open: 7 days
Bar: Sun-Thurs 11-Late, Fri­day-Sat­ur­day 11am-12am
Bot­tle shop: Mon-Sun 11am-10pm
(Open­ing time will change in low season).

Kitchen Open:All week 11:30AM8:30PM.

Main Menu Bistro Menu
Open Sun-Thurs
11.30am‑2.30pm + 5pm-8pm
Open Fri/​Sat
11.30am‑2.30pm+ 5pm‑8.30pm
Piz­zas are avail­able for an extra half hour after the main menu stops.

Week­day Burger/​Snacks Menu
Avail­able 11.30am-5pm Mon-Fri only

Week­end Burger/​Snacks Menu
Avail­able 2.30pm- 5pm week­ends only

Note: These hours may vary for fea­tured events.

Locat­ed on Cable Beach, Dunes of Divers offers a supe­ri­or edge in pro­vid­ing a com­bi­na­tion of local spe­cial­ties, a selec­tion of mod­ern café style meals and the tra­di­tion­al pub fare; steaks, fish tacos, spicy fried chick­en burg­ers, slow cooked beef brisket, chick­en parmi­giana, piz­za and pas­ta are just some options available.

Book­ings for 8 or more essen­tial by phon­ing 08 9193 6066


Dur­ing the day, the Beach Bar offers sun­shine and an open air trop­i­cal ambiance to enjoy Broome’s beau­ti­ful weath­er. It’s a relaxed casu­al place for a bite to eat and an icy cold drink. The bar offers eigh­teen vari­eties of Aus­tralian and Inter­na­tion­al tap beers and ciders and a range of pack­aged prod­ucts that will cater for all tastes.

At night it trans­forms into a pre­mier live enter­tain­ment venue, host­ing some of the best musi­cians tour­ing Aus­tralia and the home of icon­ic events such as Miss Cable Beach com­pe­ti­tion, held dur­ing the tourist sea­son.


With the best air con­di­tion­ing in town the Sports Bar is home to mul­ti­ple HD screens and many LED screens and is the prime spot to view all your favourite sport­ing events live, from AFL, NRL to UFC. The Sports Bar also fea­tures Broome’s newest TAB race facil­i­ties for all your punt­ing action.


The Divers Bistro offers a range of sump­tu­ous dish­es, with veg­e­tar­i­an, veg­an and gluten free options. You will find a selec­tion of sea­son­al and dai­ly spe­cials too.

This venue is fam­i­ly friend­ly, wheel­chair friend­ly and offers free parking.

Located just over the road from the magnificent Cable Beach!

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