Diversity Charter Company

Tours and Activities Extended Cruises Water Based Tours

Hours: 0900 hrs -1700 hrs

Adven­ture By Day, Lux­u­ry By Night.

Adven­ture By Day, Lux­u­ry By Night.

Immerse your­self in a land like no oth­er – The Kim­ber­ley Coast. An enchant­i­ng mix of spec­tac­u­lar gorges, thun­der­ing water­falls, ancient archae­o­log­i­cal sites, serene swim­ming holes, and exhil­a­rat­ing fish­ing expe­di­tions. We pride our­selves on being a vibrant, ener­getic Kim­ber­ley cruise com­pa­ny with a thirst for adven­ture. Pre­vi­ous­ly only expe­ri­enced by a priv­i­leged few, Diver­si­ty Char­ters now offers an afford­able way to cruise the Kim­ber­ley Coast with­out com­pro­mis­ing on luxury. 

We spe­cialise in small group adven­ture cruis­ing along the stun­ning West­ern Aus­tralian coast. With a max­i­mum of 12 guests on board our lux­u­ry ves­sels Diver­si­ty II & III, let our crew show you an unfor­get­table Kim­ber­ley experience.

Both ves­sels Diver­si­ty II and Diver­si­ty III are spa­cious con­tem­po­rary cata­ma­rans that are ful­ly air­con­di­tioned and clev­er­ly designed for adven­ture cruis­ing. Every cab­in in the Diver­si­ty fleet is posi­tioned above the water­line with large panoram­ic win­dows and fea­tures a styl­ish­ly appoint­ed ensuite bath­room. Our small boat Kim­ber­ley cruis­es range from 6 to 14 days and are excep­tion­al value.

Diver­si­ty Char­ters is a fam­i­ly owned busi­ness start­ed in 2017. The West Aus­tralian born-and-bred sib­lings behind Diver­si­ty Char­ters are all hands on in oper­a­tions both onboard and behind the scenes. They are pas­sion­ate about show­cas­ing every­thing the diverse Kim­ber­ley region has to offer.

Our skip­pers have spent over a decade in the Kim­ber­ley, plot­ting pre­vi­ous­ly unchar­tered waters to uncov­er new fish­ing spots and stun­ning scenery. Sup­port­ed by two deck­hands, a friend­ly stew­ardess, and a fine din­ing chef, the Diver­si­ty crew are always on hand to help you have the best Kim­ber­ley hol­i­day possible.

Diver­si­ty Char­ter Com­pa­ny is cer­ti­fied through Eco­tourism Australia’s world lead­ing eco­tourism cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pro­gram. So, when you trav­el with us, you are sup­port­ing a busi­ness that is backed by a strong, well man­aged com­mit­ment to sus­tain­able prac­tices and pro­vides high-qual­i­ty nature based tourism experiences.

Book your cruise with the Broome Visitor Centre

If you would like to book a Diversity Charter cruise or find out more, please email our team at [email protected] or call us on 08 9195 2200.

2025 Cruise Availability

2025 dates
Diversity II | 14 Day Kimberley Dream Broome to Wyndham13-Apr-202526-Apr-202513Statesman Twin Ensuite for 1 single female (share)
Diversity II | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Hunter River to Broome22-Jun-202530-Jun-20258Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity II | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Hunter River to Broome11-Jul-202519-Jul-20258Statesman Double Ensuite (2) and Statesman Twin Ensuite (2)
Diversity II | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Hunter River to Broome30-Jul-202507-Aug-20258Statesman Twin Ensuite (2)
Diversity II | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Broome to Hunter River10-Aug-202518-Aug-20258Statesman Double Ensuite (1)
Diversity II | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Hunter River to Broome18-Aug-202518-Aug-20258Statesman Double Ensuite (2) and Statesman Twin Ensuite (2)
Diversity II | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Hunter River to Broome06-Sep-202514-Sep-20258Flybridge Double Ensuite (2) Statesman Double Ensuite (2) and Statesman Twin Ensuite (2)
Diversity II | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Broome to Hunter River17-Sep-202525-Sep-20258Flybridge Double Ensuite (2) Statesman Double Ensuite (2) and Statesman Twin Ensuite (2)
Diversity II | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Hunter River to Broome25-Sep-202503-Oct-20258Flybridge Double Ensuite (2) and Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity II | 6 Day Kimberley Escape Cygnet Bay to Cygnet Bay06-Oct-202511-Oct-20255Statesman Double Ensuite (2) and Statesman Twin Ensuite (2)
Diversity II | 6 Day Kimberley Escape Cygnet Bay to Cygnet Bay16-Oct-202521-Oct-20255Flybridge Double Ensuite (1) and Statesman Twin Ensuite (2)
Diversity II | 6 Day Kimberley Escape Broome to Broome06-Nov-202511-Nov-20255Flybridge Double Ensuite (2) Statesman Double Ensuite (2)
Diversity II | 6 Day Kimberley Escape Broome to Broome13-Nov-202518-Nov-20255Flybridge Double Ensuite (2) Statesman Double Ensuite (2) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1) Female share (1)
Diversity II | Ashmore Reef20-Nov-202529-Nov-20255Statesman Double Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 14 Day Kimberley Dream Broome to Wyndham25-Mar-202507-Apr-202513Statesman Queen Ensuite (2)
Diversity III | 14 Day Kimberley Dream Broome to Wyndham22-May-202504-Jun-202513Statesman Queen Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 14 Day Kimberley Dream Wyndham to Broome05-Jun-202518-Jun-202513Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Broome to Hunter River21-Jun-202529-Jun-202513Statesman Queen Ensuite (4)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Dream Broome to Hunter River10-Jul-202518-Jul-20258Statesman Queen Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Dream Hunter River to Broome18-Jul-202526-Jul-20258Statesman Twin Ensuite (1 single share)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Hunter River to Broome06-Aug-202514-Aug-20258King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (3) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Broome to Hunter River17-Aug-202525-Aug-20258Statesman Queen Ensuite (4) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Hunter River to Broome25-Aug-202502-Sep-20258King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (4) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Broome to Hunter River05-Sep-202513-Sep-20258King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (4) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Hunter River to Broome13-Sep-202521-Sep-20258King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (4) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 6 Day Rowley Shoals Eco Dive02-Oct-202507-Oct-20255King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (4)
2026 dates
Diversity II | 14 Day Kimberley Dream Broome to Wyndham14-Mar-202627-Mar-202613Flybridge Double Ensuite (1) Statesman Double Ensuite (2) Statesman Twin Ensuite (2)
Diversity II | 14 Day Kimberley Dream Wyndham to Broome28 March 202610 April 202613Flybridge Double Ensuite (2) Statesman Double Ensuite (2) Statesman Twin Ensuite (2)
Diversity II | 14 Day Kimberley Dream Broome to Wyndham14 April 202627 April 202613Flybridge Double Ensuite (2) Statesman Double Ensuite (2) Statesman Twin Ensuite (2)
Diversity II | 14 Day Kimberley Dream Wyndham to Broome28 April 202611 May 202613Flybridge Double Ensuite (2) Statesman Double Ensuite (2) Statesman Twin Ensuite (2)
Diversity II | 14 Day Kimberley Dream Broome to Wyndham13 May 202626 May 202613Statesman Twin Ensuite (2)
Diversity II | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Hunter River to Broome22 June 202630 June 20268Flybridge Double Ensuite (2) Statesman Double Ensuite (2) Statesman Twin Ensuite (2)
Diversity III | 14 Day Kimberley Dream Broome to Wyndham25 March 20267 April 202613King Ensuite (1)Statesman Queen Ensuite (3) and Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 14 Day Kimberley Dream Broome to Wyndham8 April 202621 April 202613King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite(3) and Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 14 Day Kimberley Dream Broome to Wyndham23 April 20266 May 202613King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (3) and Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 14 Day Kimberley Dream Broome to Wyndham22 May 20264 June 202613Statesman Double Ensuite (4) and Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Wyndham to Hunter River5 June 202613 June 20268King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (4) and Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Hunter River to Broome13 June 202621 June 20268King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (4) and Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Broome to Hunter River24-Jun-202602-Jul-20268King Ensuite(1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (1) and Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Hunter River to Broome02-Jul-202602-Jul-20268King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (1) and Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Broome to Hunter River13-Jul-202621-Jul-20268King Ensuite(1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (4) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Hunter River to Broome21-Jul-202629-Jul-20268King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (4) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Broome to Hunter River01-Aug-202609-Aug-20268King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (2) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Hunter River to Broome09-Aug-202617-Aug-20268King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (4) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Broome to Hunter River20-Aug-202628-Aug-20268King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (4) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Hunter River to Broome28-Aug-202605-Sep-20268King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (4) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 9 Day Kimberley Discovery Broome to Hunter River17-Sep-202625-Sep-20268King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (4) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 6 Day Rowley Shoals Eco Dive Broome to Rowley Shoals10-Oct-202615-Oct-20265Statesman Queen Ensuite (2)
Diversity III | 6 Day Rowley Shoals Eco Dive Broome to Rowley Shoals2-Nov-202607-Nov-20265King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (3) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 6 Day Rowley Shoals Eco Dive Broome to Rowley Shoals10-Nov-202615-Nov-20265King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (4) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Diversity III | 6 Day Rowley Shoals Eco Dive Broome to Rowley Shoals18-Nov-202623-Nov-20265King Ensuite (1) Statesman Queen Ensuite (4) Statesman Twin Ensuite (1)
Last updated 12-3-2025. Availability may change without notice.
MV Diversity II

MV Diversity II

MV Diversity II is a sleek and contemporary 67 foot catamaran can accommodate up to 12 guests. The unique twin hull design affords our guests extra space and comfort; featuring three open-air deck areas, indoor and outdoor dining options, a spacious lounge and bar area and six stylishly appointed cabins. The open plan lounge features a large relaxed booth seating area and a TV for late night entertainment! Diversity II has been extensively refurbished with every cabin now featuring an ensuite bathroom.

MV Diversity III

MV Diversity III

MV Diversity III is an 82 foot catamaran can accommodate up to 12 guests. The twin hull design provides wide spacious areas to relax and unwind, yet has a low enough draft to access the most secluded anchorages. All cabins feature large windows and ensuites. After a day out on the water, chill out with a cocktail in our lounge or enjoy the sunset on the back deck as our chef prepares a stunning gourmet dinner.

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