Djarindjin Campground

Broome-Cape Leveque Road Dampier Peninsula
Local Businesses

Hours: Campground is open all year except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day.

Locat­ed on the now sealed Cape Lev­eque Road, Djarind­jin Camp­ground is the per­fect loca­tion for vis­i­tors with 2WDs or car­a­vans to unhitch and explore all the Penin­su­la has to offer.

With 37 pow­ered sites cater­ing to large RV’s and car­a­vans and an addi­tion­al 10 unpow­ered sites, the camp­ground is ser­viced by a range of ameni­ties includ­ing male and female ablu­tions, hot show­ers, laun­dry, a camp kitchen and shel­tered BBQ area. There is also the Camp­ing with Cus­to­di­ans sig­na­ture cen­tral firepit, a place to meet and share sto­ries under the Kim­ber­ley sky. 

Djarindjin Campground is open year-round. Closed only for Christmas Day Dec 25th, Boxing Day Dec 26th and New Years Day Jan 1st.

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