Dragonfly Cafe

6 Carnarvon Street Broome WA 6725
Beverages Local Businesses

Hours: Mon - Fri 0630 - 1400 Sat & Sun 0700 - 1400

A favourite with locals, the Drag­on­fly Café offers deli­cious meals for break­fast and lunch and a vari­ety of teas, cof­fee and oth­er beverages.

Enjoy the ambi­ence of this won­der­ful café in cen­tral Broome. Serv­ing great cof­fee, teas, alter­na­tive style Simara Lattes & Prana Chai. They also offer a range of healthy food choic­es for break­fast and lunch. Pop in and see the team at Drag­on­fly café when you are strolling around Chinatown. 

Seasonal Closure

We’ll be closing our doors for 3 weeks as we spread our wings and take a break.

Our last day of trading will be Sunday 2nd February and we’ll be back buzzing on Thursday 27th February. Don’t worry—we’ll be back soon, refreshed and ready to serve you!

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