Eclipse Expeditions

7/ 17 Carnarvon St Broome WA 6725
Tours and Activities Adventure & Sports Water Based Tours

Char­ter Aus­trali­a’s West Coast in lux­u­ry with Eclipse Expeditions.

Eclipse Expe­di­tions has launched a new and excep­tion­al char­ter oper­a­tion on Aus­trali­a’s pris­tine West Coast. We will explore parts of Aus­trali­a’s remote Kim­ber­ley, the untouched mag­ic of the Mon­te­bel­lo Islands and the award­ed South­west wine Region.

The founders of Eclipse have com­bined their exten­sive expe­ri­ences to build an excit­ing new enter­prise that offers a unique cruis­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty to those seek­ing a bespoke and more eco pos­i­tive cruise adven­ture. We are the first of the West Aus­tralian coastal explor­er cruis­es to deliv­er sail-based cruis­ing in six-star com­fort with a brand-new Leop­ard 50 per­for­mance sail­ing cata­ma­ran cus­tomised to cruise with ease the pris­tine coast­line of WA and equipped to max­imise your expe­ri­ence. Wel­come to Eclipse Expeditions.

PLEASE NOTE: The Kimberley Discovery Voyage duration is approximately 2 NIGHTS and 3 DAYS.

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