Eco Abrolhos Cruises Pty Ltd

295 Marine Terrace Geraldton WA 6530
Tours and Charters

Hours: Office Hours 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday to Friday

Cruise West­ern Aus­tralia in com­fort and style. Our Abrol­hos Islands Cruis­es and Kim­ber­ley Cruis­es pro­vide an unri­valled expe­ri­ence to explore these unique des­ti­na­tions of West­ern Australia.

Eco Abrol­hos Cruis­es offers sev­er­al amaz­ing adven­ture Cruis­es rang­ing from 1.5 hours to 13 nights.


Our 5 Day Abrol­hos Islands Cruise is the ulti­mate way to explore and expe­ri­ence the very best of the Abrol­hos Islands. From sun­rise to well after sun­set your days will be filled with a vari­ety of activ­i­ties. Each 5 Day Cruise is tai­lor made to make the best of the weath­er, tide and sea­son­al conditions.

The Abrol­hos Islands are some of Australia’s most spec­tac­u­lar and his­toric islands. They abound with nat­ur­al won­ders, spec­tac­u­lar marine and bird life. The islands are also home to the his­toric Batavia wreck and what is gen­er­al­ly acknowl­edged as being the ear­li­est Euro­pean struc­ture in Australia.

Pop­u­lar Abrol­hos Island activities:

- Snorkelling & swimming

- Fish­ing & Cray­fish­ing (lob­ster)

- Chef pre­pared ocean to plate food experience

- Bird watch­ing & wildlife spotting

- Whale watch­ing (sea­son­al)

- Island walks with expe­ri­enced guides

- Batavia history

- Pearl farm tour (sea­son­al)

- Glass bot­tom boating


Wel­come to the rugged North! The iso­lat­ed coast­line of the Kim­ber­ley region with its majes­tic gorges and rock pools is tru­ly one of the last untouched wilder­ness­es in the world. Abun­dant wildlife, fresh water and ancient his­toric sites will make this cruise an unfor­get­table experience. 

Our 13-Night Expe­di­tion style Kim­ber­ley cruise is the ulti­mate way to dis­cov­er Aus­trali­a’s Kim­ber­ley coast. Eco Abrol­hos Kim­ber­ley cruis­es are 13 nights and are planned to take advan­tage of the tides to max­imise the WOW” fac­tor at places like the Hor­i­zon­tal Falls, Mont­gomery Reef and the King George River. 

Why choose us for your Kim­ber­ley Cruise?

- Max­i­mum 32 guests

- All cab­ins fea­ture pri­vate ensuite for added pri­va­cy and comfort

- Enjoy 360 degree views from our spa­cious top deck

- Our chef will pre­pare the fresh catch from your fish­ing experience

- Our expe­ri­enced guides will enrich your jour­ney with local knowl­edge and insights

- Choose from Broome to Wyndham/​Kununurra or the reverse route


- Our sea­son­al tours run from Novem­ber 2025 to Jan­u­ary 2026, depart­ing Wednes­day, Fri­day & Sun­day or by arrange­ment for groups 10+. 

- Tour dura­tion – 1.5 hours

- Ves­sel – Dhu Force – 60 foot fish­ing boat that can car­ry up to 33 pas­sen­gers + 4 crew

- Min­i­mum num­bers – 8

- Group book­ings wel­come — Tour bus friendly

- Pas­sen­gers board the 60 foot Dhu Force” at 8am from the Ger­ald­ton Fish­er­mans Wharf on Con­nell Rd

- Please bring an Esky or buck­et to car­ry home your catch

With 12 lob­ster pots set in prime loca­tions, Eco Abrol­hos pro­vides an authen­tic fish­ing expe­ri­ence where up to 80 lob­sters can be caught and shared each day. You’ll get to be part of the action — sort­ing, siz­ing, and han­dling the fresh catch of the day. At the end of the day, you will get to take home a share of the catch — per­fect for prepar­ing a deli­cious lob­ster meal that you caught yourself!

Beyond the thrill of lob­ster fish­ing, the tour offers stun­ning views of Geraldton’s coast­line. As you cruise the waters, you’ll see the icon­ic can­dy cane-striped light­house, a dis­tinc­tive land­mark that adds a spe­cial touch to your jour­ney. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for local wildlife; the waters around Ger­ald­ton are teem­ing with marine life, and you nev­er know what you might encounter along the way.

13 Night Cruise departing from Broome or Wyndham/Kununurra

Eco Abrolhos Cruises are created for those who seek adventure, discovery, and value. Our expedition-style cruises offer an intimate, small-group experience, accommodating up to 32 guests in comfort.

Explore breathtaking Kimberley landscapes, ancient rock art, and pristine waterfalls, all while enjoying chef prepared meals in a relaxed atmosphere. Our experienced guides will deliver a 13 Night Cruise departing from Broome or Wyndham/Kununurra where you will experience & see more of the Kimberley Coast than on the larger ships.

Vessel Features

  • Spacious top deck with 360° views, perfect for sunsets and relaxation
  • 17 privately ensuited & airconditioned cabins
  • Intimate group size: up to 32 guests, solo travelers welcome
  • 4 fast, easy-access aluminum expedition tenders
  • Catch and dine: fresh seafood prepared by our chef
  • Relaxed, casual atmosphere for ultimate unwinding


  • 13 nights onboard accommodation
  • Chef-prepared meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks (dietary needs catered)
  • 24/7 self-serve tea, coffee, biscuits, and filtered water
  • All excursions (excluding optional extras)
  • Fishing experience
  • Laundry service
  • Complimentary transfers at the start and end of the cruise

Compulsory Traditional Land Owner Visitor Passes are an extra charge

Book your Kimberley cruise with the Broome Visitor Centre

If you would like to book or find out more, please email our team at [email protected] or call us on 08 9195 2200.

Trip Planner