ECO ABROLHOS - Kimberley Cruises

Tours and Activities Extended Cruises Travelling North Water Based Tours

Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00 - 5.00pm

Mini cruise ship 19 en-suit­ed cab­ins inti­mate 32 pas­sen­gers 4 ten­der boats 360 degree view­ing deck

Eco Abrol­hos Cruis­es are cre­at­ed for those who seek adven­ture, dis­cov­ery, and val­ue. Our expe­di­tion-style cruis­es offer an inti­mate, small-group expe­ri­ence, accom­mo­dat­ing up to 32 guests in comfort.

Explore breath­tak­ing Kim­ber­ley land­scapes, ancient rock art, and pris­tine water­falls, all while enjoy­ing chef pre­pared meals in a relaxed atmos­phere. Our expe­ri­enced guides will deliv­er a 13 Night Cruise depart­ing from Broome or Wyndham/​Kununurra where you will expe­ri­ence & see more of the Kim­ber­ley Coast than on the larg­er ships.

Ves­sel Features

- Spa­cious top deck with 360° views, per­fect for sun­sets and relaxation

- 17 pri­vate­ly ensuit­ed & air­con­di­tioned cabins

- Inti­mate group size: up to 32 guests, solo trav­el­ers welcome

- 4 fast, easy-access alu­minum expe­di­tion tenders

- Catch and dine: fresh seafood pre­pared by our chef

- Relaxed, casu­al atmos­phere for ulti­mate unwinding


- 13 nights onboard accommodation

- Chef-pre­pared meals: break­fast, lunch, din­ner, and snacks (dietary needs catered)

- 247 self-serve tea, cof­fee, bis­cuits, and fil­tered water

-All excur­sions (exclud­ing option­al extras)

-Fish­ing experience

-Laun­dry service

-Com­pli­men­ta­ry trans­fers at the start and end of the cruise

Com­pul­so­ry Tra­di­tion­al Land Own­er Vis­i­tor Pass­es are an extra charge.

Book your cruise with the Broome Visitor Centre

If you would like to book or find out more, please email our team at [email protected] or call us on 08 9195 2200.

Trip Planner