Eco Beach Resort

Thangoo Station/Lot 323 Great Northern Highway Broome WA 6725
Accommodation Conferences Eco Retreats Hotels, Motels, Resorts and Self Contained Apartments

Check In: 15:00 | Check Out: 10:00
Hours: Reception 8am - 5pm Daily, Jacks Restaurant and Bar 7am - 10pm Daily

One of the world’s most remark­able des­ti­na­tions!

Eco Beach Resort is a mul­ti award-win­ning eco resort set amongst the pris­tine and untouched Kim­ber­ley envi­ron­ment. Just 90 min­utes’ dri­ve south of Broome, the prop­er­ty offers guests a per­fect par­al­lel of Kim­ber­ley bush and beach. Accom­mo­da­tion at our eco resort pro­vides guests with an unfor­get­table and unique wilder­ness expe­ri­ence whilst hav­ing min­i­mal impact on the sur­round­ing landscape.

The excep­tion­al accom­mo­da­tion includes superbly appoint­ed Eco Vil­las inter­linked by over 1km of ele­vat­ed wood­en board­walks and lux­u­ri­ous ensuit­ed safari style Eco Tents. For larg­er groups we offer The Beach Hous­es, strik­ing ful­ly self-con­tained ocean front accom­mo­da­tion with amaz­ing views of the Indi­an Ocean. 

Come play with nature with a range of unique activ­i­ties and expe­ri­ences, includ­ing whale watch­ing tours (sea­son­al), nature walks and a range of ocean or land based fish­ing char­ters. Com­pli­men­ta­ry dai­ly yoga is avail­able in our breath-tak­ing ocean­front venue, treat­ments and mas­sages in our Day Spa or sim­ply relax at our allur­ing infin­i­ty pool or in a ham­mock on the beach.

With an amaz­ing loca­tion over­look­ing the Indi­an Ocean, Jack­’s Bar & Restau­rant offers gourmet cui­sine and an exten­sive wine and cock­tail list. The menu focus­es on local pro­duce with fruit and veg­eta­bles fresh from our own organ­ic gardens.

Eco Beach Resort pro­vides a myr­i­ad of per­fect back­drops for a unique wed­ding or con­fer­ence venue.

Eco Beach Resort is a mul­ti award-win­ning eco resort set amongst the pris­tine and untouched Kim­ber­ley envi­ron­ment. Just over an hour’s dri­ve south of Broome, the prop­er­ty offers guests a per­fect par­al­lel of Kim­ber­ley bush and beach.

Choose from spa­cious en-suit­ed safari tents, air-con­di­tioned vil­las or ful­ly self-con­tained beach hous­es. Enjoy Resort facil­i­ties, ocean­front din­ing and a range of nature based activities.

Book online below

Garden View Eco Tent

Room Configuration: Studio
Max Guests: 2

Eco Tents are per­fect for those who want to be close to nature whilst enjoy­ing the com­forts of a king size bed, ensuite bath­room and large zip down win­dows with fly­screens. This option is well suit­ed for cou­ples to enjoy a com­fort­able and cosy mid­week or week­end get­away. 12V pow­er out­put suit­able for charg­ing phones and lap­tops (unsuit­able for hairdry­ers). Camp kitchen includes bar­be­cue and tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties. Due to safe­ty con­cerns cook­ing is not per­mit­ted in tents. Bar­be­cues are not per­mit­ted on bal­conies. Cot pro­vid­ed free of charge for infants under 2yrs old

  • Bathroom
  • Double
  • Linen Provided
  • non smoking indoors
  • Private Decking Area

Garden View Eco Villa

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 4

Spoil your loved one/​s and your­self and enjoy the pri­va­cy, space and total com­fort of your very own lux­u­ry Eco vil­la. Eco Vil­las are posi­tioned with views of our native gar­dens. Thought­ful­ly designed to com­ple­ment the nat­ur­al sur­round­ings, your air-con­di­tioned vil­la fea­tures a king size bed in the main bed­room, a spa­cious open-plan liv­ing room equipped with a large leather sofa bed, a small bar fridge, microwave, toast­er, kitchen sink, pol­ished white stoned work­tops, tea/​coffee facil­i­ties and has the lat­est envi­ron­men­tal design fea­tures, includ­ing solar pow­er, bam­boo floor boards, eco deck­ing, lou­ver win­dows, unique ener­gy mon­i­tor­ing and more. Sur­round­ed by nat­ur­al veg­e­ta­tion. Enjoy your morn­ing cof­fee with a Wal­la­by, or maybe an evening wine with an Echid­na. Small Kitch­enette 100L Fridge Ket­tle Toast­er Microwave Sink Air Con­di­tioned Sleeps up to 4 peo­ple, 2 Adults and 2 Chil­dren Cot pro­vid­ed free of charge to infants under 2 years old

  • Air conditioned
  • Bathroom
  • Ceiling Fan
  • Cooking Facilities Limited
  • Double
  • Ensuite
  • Linen Provided
  • Microwave
  • non smoking indoors
  • Private Decking Area
  • Private facilities
  • Tea/Coffee

Ocean Front Eco Villa

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 4

Spoil your loved one/​s and your­self and enjoy the pri­va­cy, space and total com­fort of your very own lux­u­ry Eco vil­la. Eco Vil­las are posi­tioned with stun­ning unin­ter­rupt­ed views of the Indi­an Ocean. Thought­ful­ly designed to com­ple­ment the nat­ur­al sur­round­ings, your air-con­di­tioned vil­la fea­tures a king size bed in the main bed­room, a spa­cious open-plan liv­ing room equipped with a large leather sofa bed, a small bar fridge, microwave, toast­er, kitchen sink, pol­ished white stoned work­tops, tea/​coffee facil­i­ties and has the lat­est envi­ron­men­tal design fea­tures, includ­ing solar pow­er, bam­boo floor boards, eco deck­ing, lou­ver win­dows, unique ener­gy mon­i­tor­ing and more. Sleeps up to 4 peo­ple, 2 Adults and 2 Chil­dren Cots pro­vid­ed at no charge for infants under two years. 

  • Air conditioned
  • Bathroom
  • Ceiling Fan
  • Cooking Facilities Limited
  • Double
  • Ensuite
  • Linen Provided
  • Microwave
  • non smoking indoors
  • Tea/Coffee

Ocean View Eco Villa

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 4

Spoil your loved one/​s and your­self and enjoy the pri­va­cy, space and total com­fort of your very own lux­u­ry Eco vil­la. Eco Vil­las are posi­tioned with par­tial views of the Indi­an Ocean. Thought­ful­ly designed to com­ple­ment the nat­ur­al sur­round­ings, your air-con­di­tioned vil­la fea­tures a king size bed in the main bed­room, a spa­cious open-plan liv­ing room equipped with a large leather sofa bed, a small bar fridge, microwave, toast­er, kitchen sink, pol­ished white stoned work­tops, tea/​coffee facil­i­ties and has the lat­est envi­ron­men­tal design fea­tures, includ­ing solar pow­er, bam­boo floor boards, eco deck­ing, lou­ver win­dows, unique ener­gy mon­i­tor­ing and more. Sleeps up to 4 peo­ple, 2 Adults and 2 Chil­dren. Cot pro­vid­ed free of charge to infants under 2yrs old

  • Air conditioned
  • Bathroom
  • Ceiling Fan
  • Cooking Facilities Limited
  • Double
  • Linen Provided
  • Microwave
  • non smoking indoors
  • Tea/Coffee

Sunset View Eco Tent

Room Configuration: Studio
Max Guests: 3

Eco Tents are per­fect for those who want to be close to nature whilst still enjoy­ing com­fort and con­ve­nience. With king-sized bed and sun­set views, this option is well suit­ed to cou­ples. Sit back and relax on the pri­vate front deck of your Eco Tent as you mar­vel at the nat­ur­al beau­ty of Eco Beach’s sur­round­ings. Eco Tents are posi­tioned with par­tial views the ocean and are styl­ish­ly out­fit­ted with a king size bed, ensuite show­er & toi­let, bed­side tables with read­ing lamps; lux­u­ri­ous bed linen; wardrobe kit; large stor­age chest; pedestal fan and fly-screen ven­ti­la­tion. View of Eco Beach’s sur­round­ing native gar­dens and bush­land. Pow­er Out­put (lim­it­ed to 12V) Ensuite Large zip down win­dows with fly­screens Please note there are no cook­ing facil­i­ties inside the tent and BBQ’s are not per­mit­ted on bal­conies. There is a Camp Kitchen for cook­ing & Tea/​Coffee facil­i­ties. Cot pro­vid­ed free of charge to infants under 2yrs old

  • Bathroom
  • Double
  • Linen Provided
  • non smoking indoors
  • Private Decking Area
  • Tea/Coffee

The Beach House

Room Configuration: 2 bedroom
Max Guests: 6

Perched on the head­land with unin­ter­rupt­ed stun­ning Ocean Views this 2 bed­room lux­u­ry air con­di­tioned Eco Vil­la comes with King Size bed­room, sec­ond bed­room, lounge area with fridge and tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties. Occu­py­ing the best posi­tion on the prop­er­ty, Eco Beach’s two Beach Hous­es offer the per­fect hol­i­day option for fam­i­lies and friends look­ing to reunite and reju­ve­nate. Set upon a cliff top over­look­ing the Indi­an Ocean and Kim­ber­ley bush­land, these styl­ish­ly appoint­ed hous­es are ful­ly self con­tained and sleep up to 6 peo­ple in each. Bed­ding Con­fig­u­ra­tion: 2 Kings or 2 Sin­gles + Sofa Bed Ful­ly equipped kitchen 2 bath­rooms BBQ area Air Conditioned

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