El Questro Wilderness Park - Accommodation

El Que­stro Wilder­ness Park is con­sid­ered to be one of the worlds most unique hol­i­day des­ti­na­tions. No mat­ter how much you have to spend, or what you like to do, El Que­stro has the per­fect hol­i­day for you.

El Que­stro is com­mit­ted to pro­tect­ing Aus­tralias unique ecol­o­gy, sen­si­tive­ly devel­op­ing new areas of inter­est, pro­vid­ing vis­i­tor infor­ma­tion, and cre­at­ing expe­ri­ences that you will nev­er for­get. It is com­pul­so­ry for all vis­i­tors to pur­chase a Wilder­ness Park Per­mit to enter the park. Per­mits are avail­able at all El Que­stro out­lets. Wilder­ness Park Per­mit funds are used to: — sup­ple­ment the main­te­nance of over 100km of roads and tracks — pro­vide and main­tain eco-toi­lets — under­take walk­ing trail main­te­nance — remove lit­ter, rub­bish and un-nat­ur­al items from our envi­ron­ment — pro­vide infor­ma­tion, safe­ty require­ments and sig­nage for our vis­i­tors The use of drones at El Que­stro is not per­mit­ted at any time by guests or vis­i­tors. Heli­copters and small air­craft are fre­quent­ly fly­ing across the prop­er­ty, for the safe of all vis­i­tors please respect our no drone policy.

Book online below for 2025 season

Station - Gardenview Family Room

Room Configuration:
Max Guests: 4

The Gar­den­view rooms at the Sta­tion, over­looks the lawns and gar­den and are only a short stroll away from the peace­ful swim­ming hole. These rooms have all the facil­i­ties for a com­fort­able stay for the whole fam­i­ly, with air con­di­tion­ing and a pri­vate bath­room. Bed­ding includes 1 Queen, 2 sin­gles and 2 sin­gle bunk beds, max­i­mum 6 peo­ple. It is com­pul­so­ry for all vis­i­tors to pur­chase a Wilder­ness Park Per­mit to enter the park and this must be dis­played at all times. 

    Station - Riverview Room

    Room Configuration:
    Max Guests: 3

    Our Sta­tion Riverview Rooms are con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed next to the Steak­house Restau­rant and the Swing­ing Arm Bar, over­look­ing the Pen­te­cost Riv­er. With air con­di­tion­ing and a pri­vate bath­room, these rooms have all the facil­i­ties for a com­fort­able stay. Bed­ding includes one Queen bed and one sin­gle bed, max­i­mum 3 peo­ple. El Que­stro Vis­i­tor per­mits are also required

      Station Tent - Queen

      Room Configuration:
      Max Guests: 2

      At the Sta­tion we main­tain a small num­ber of pow­ered tents per­ma­nent­ly set up in the Black Cock­a­too camp­ground where you can enjoy camp­ing with all crea­ture com­forts includ­ing a queen bed, air con­di­tion­ing, out­door din­ing set and house­keep­ing ser­vice avail­able on request. With a park­ing bay beside you, ameni­ties near­by and all the facil­i­ties of the Sta­tion Town­ship to enjoy, who said camp­ing has to be about rough­ing it?

        Powered Site - up to 22ft

        Room Configuration: Powered Site
        Max Guests: 6

          Powered Site - up to 26ft

          Room Configuration: Powered Site
          Max Guests: 6

            Station - Gardenview Room

            Room Configuration:
            Max Guests: 3

            The Gar­den­view rooms at the Sta­tion are con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed next to the Steak­house Restau­rant and the Swing­ing Arm Bar and a short stroll from the swim­ming hole. With air con­di­tion­ing and a pri­vate bath­room, these rooms have all the facil­i­ties for a com­fort­able stay. Max­i­mum 3 peo­ple. Please note that El Que­stro Vis­i­tor Per­mits will be auto­mat­i­cal­ly added dur­ing the online book­ing process.

              Station - Powered Site - Drive Thru

              Room Configuration: Powered Site
              Max Guests: 6

              A 4WD is required to access all El Que­stro camp­ing sites.

                Station - Powered Site - Tent / Car / Trailer

                Room Configuration:
                Max Guests: 6

                Pow­ered Site for a Tent / Car / Trail­er. A 4WD is required to access all El Que­stro camp­ing sites.

                  Station - Powered Site - up to 18 ft

                  Room Configuration:
                  Max Guests: 6

                  A 4WD is required to access all El Que­stro camp­ing sites. The Pow­ered Sites are a short stroll to all Camp­ground ameni­ties includ­ing, guest laun­dry, toi­lets, hot water show­ers and camp kitchens. Also, close by are all the facil­i­ties that the Sta­tion has to offer, our Steak­house Restau­rant, Recep­tion and the Swing­ing Arm Bar & Grill. Our Pow­ered Sites vary in size and shade, how­ev­er, they are lawned and have access to potable water, grey water needs to be col­lect­ed in buck­ets and dis­posed of in the Grey Water col­lec­tion points at the Camp Kitchens and we do have a dump point on site.

                    Station - Unpowered Site - Drive Thru

                    Room Configuration: Unpowered Site
                    Max Guests: 6

                    A 4WD is required to access all El Que­stro camp­ing sites.

                      Station - Unpowered Site - Riverside

                      Room Configuration: Unpowered Site
                      Max Guests: 6

                      A 4WD is required to access all El Que­stro camp­ing sites.

                        Station - Unpowered Site - up to 22 ft

                        Room Configuration:
                        Max Guests: 6

                        A 4WD is required to access all El Que­stro camp­ing sites.

                          Station Tent - Twin

                          Room Configuration:
                          Max Guests: 2

                            Unpowered Site - Tent/Car/Trailer

                            Room Configuration: Unpowered Site
                            Max Guests: 6

                              Unpowered Site - up to 18ft

                              Room Configuration: Unpowered Site
                              Max Guests: 6

                                Unpowered Site - up to 26ft

                                Room Configuration: Unpowered Site
                                Max Guests: 6

                                  Trip Planner