Galwey Pearls

Shop 6 24 Dampier Tce Broome WA 6725
Pearl Shop Local Businesses Online Shopping

Each Gal­wey Pearls cre­ation is orig­i­nal in design and all of our pearls are nat­ur­al in colour. We source pearls of the high­est stan­dard of lus­tre, com­plex­ion, shape, size and colour to fea­ture in our designs. When you wear a Gal­wey Pearls piece you are wear­ing pearls of distinction.

With a fam­i­ly his­to­ry stretch­ing back to the ear­ly days of pearling, Gal­wey Pearls has a deep and last­ing con­nec­tion with the most pre­cious of nature’s gems. 

We wel­come you to come in and view our range of beau­ti­ful jew­ellery and speak with one of our jew­ellery con­sul­tants about find­ing or cre­at­ing your per­fect pearl piece Alter­na­tive­ly, for any prod­uct enquiry or fur­ther infor­ma­tion please sub­mit your details here or con­tact us.

We look for­ward to hear­ing from you.

Browse our website

Time to Recharge...

We are taking a short break and will reopen late March 2025. All enquires or orders during this time will be answered or processed so if you are looking for that something special please get in touch. Please direct all enquires to either 0439 339 419 or email [email protected]

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