Girloorloo Tours @ Mimbi Caves

Indigenous Experiences Arts & Culture Attractions Tours

Indige­nous guid­ed tour of the 400 mil­lion year old Devon­ian reef; the Kim­ber­ley’s best kept secret!

The tour begins at the entrance to the cave sys­tem with inter­pre­ta­tive sig­nage. Your Indige­nous guide will share sto­ries of what the old peo­ple used show­ing arte­facts, intro­duc­ing bush tuck­er and bush med­i­cine plants. You will hear ancient dream time sto­ries & oth­er fas­ci­nat­ing sto­ries from more recent times. The Mim­bi Cave sys­tem is a series of spec­tac­u­lar cave net­works carved through the ancient Devon­ian reef sys­tem . You will see breath­tak­ing speleotherms or active grow­ing lime­stone for­ma­tions. There are also beau­ti­ful shawls and flow­stones , some with sparkling crystals.

The walk into the caves is uneven, you will need to be reasonably confident on your feet. In the caves the light can be poor and in some places non-existent. Those with a fear of close spaces should be mindful of this. Tour meeting point is at entrance to Mimbi Caves.  

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