Habitat Resort Broome

225 Port Drive Minyirr WA 6725
Accommodation Hotels, Motels, Resorts and Self Contained Apartments Hotels, Motels, Resorts and Self Contained Apartments

Check In: 1400 | Check Out: 1000
Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5 / Sat-Sun & Public Holidays 9-3.

Habi­tat Resort is exclu­sive­ly sit­u­at­ed adja­cent to the Broome Golf Club. The apart­ments are set in nine acres of trop­i­cal and native gar­dens that are arguably the best resort gar­dens in Broome. With over 100 paw­paw trees, 50 banana palms and numer­ous oth­er native and exot­ic fruit­ing trees, Habi­tat Resort is a gar­den lovers delight.

Habi­tat offers you a retreat away from the hus­tle and bus­tle of Cable Beach, where you can relax, refresh and enjoy in your own space. 

The resort has been exclu­sive­ly designed into zones that sep­a­rate fam­i­lies and group of friends away from cou­ple seek­ing a roman­tic inter­lude or a peace­ful time to themselves.

The resort is in a trop­i­cal gar­den set­ting, the abun­dant wildlife com­pli­ment the mix of native and exot­ic flo­ra in this Kim­ber­ley environment. 

We offer you two swim­ming pools to relax by or you can go walk­ing through the sand dunes to Roe­buck Bay to admire the spec­tac­u­lar view or for a spot of birdwatching . 

And only five min­utes dri­ve from all Broome has to offer.

Habi­tat Resort pro­vides ful­ly self con­tained accom­mo­da­tion in 1 and 2 bed­room apart­ments and 3 bed­room bungalows. 

We have a spe­cial free green fees deal with the adja­cent Broome Golf Club.

Book online below

1 Bedroom Apartment

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 2

1 x queen­size bed with ensuite. Extra per­son can be accom­mo­dat­ed for with a roll­away bed (sub­ject to availability)at a rate of $30 per night .This must be arranged direct­ly with The Habi­tat Resort, Broome.

    1 Bedroom Supersaver

    Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
    Max Guests: 2

      2 Bedroom Apartment

      Room Configuration: 2 bedroom
      Max Guests: 4

      1 x queen­size bed and 2 x sin­gle beds with 1 bath­room. A roll­away bed can be arranged at $30 per night for an extra per­son (sub­ject to availability).This must be arranged direct­ly with the Habi­tat Resort. 

      • Single Beds

      2 Bedroom Supersaver

      Room Configuration: 2 bedroom
      Max Guests: 4

        3 Bedroom Bungalow

        Room Configuration: 3 Bedroom
        Max Guests: 6

        3 bed­room stan­dard bun­ga­low 1 x queen­size bed and 4 x sin­gle beds with 1 bath­room. Stand alone bun­ga­low that excels in pri­va­cy and space. Sleeps up to 6 peo­ple, sev­enth per­son can stay for $30 per night in a roll­away bed (sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty). This must be arranged direct­ly with the Habi­tat Resort. 

        • Single Beds

        3 Bedroom Bungalow Supersaver

        Room Configuration: 3 Bedroom
        Max Guests: 6

          3 Bedroom Deluxe Bungalow

          Room Configuration: 3 Bedroom
          Max Guests: 6

          3 bed­room deluxe bun­ga­low with 2 x queen­size, 2 x sin­gle beds and 2 bath­rooms. Stand alone bun­ga­low that excels in pri­va­cy and space. Sleeps up to six, for an extra per­son a rate of $30 per night for roll­away bed (sub­ject to availability).This must be arranged direct­ly with the Habi­tat Resort.

          • Single Beds

          3 Bedroom Dlux Supersaver

          Room Configuration: 3 Bedroom
          Max Guests: 6

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