Holistic Room

7/19 Dampier Terrace Broome 6725
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Hours: Monday to Saturday 9am - 4pm, by appointment

Facials. Wax­ing. Body­work. Organ­ic infusion.

At Holis­tic Room, we embrace the pow­er of a holis­tic approach. Founder Danielle is pas­sion­ate about cre­at­ing a peace­ful space where clients can qui­et the mind, recharge, and recon­nect with themselves.

Whether you’re sim­ply look­ing to have your brows, lash­es, or wax­ing done, you can be sure you’ll find your zen moment. 

If you’re indulging in our spa ser­vices, you’ll melt into total relax­ation. We take great care in main­tain­ing a high stan­dard of ser­vice, ensur­ing that every expe­ri­ence is both pro­fes­sion­al and nurturing.

We’re proud to offer the Broome com­mu­ni­ty a sanc­tu­ary where you can meet your beau­ty needs while also restor­ing your ener­gy, all in one place.

Holis­tic Room pro­vides a safe, nur­tur­ing envi­ron­ment for all — a space to calm the body and mind.

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