Horizontal Falls Seaplane Adventures

Hangar 14 Gus Winckel Road Broome WA 6725 Broome WA 6725
Tours and Activities Scenic Flights Water Based Tours

Expe­ri­ence a trip of a life­time with Hor­i­zon­tal Falls Sea­plane Adven­tures! Trust our mul­ti-award-win­ning expe­ri­ence for your Hor­i­zon­tal Falls and Kim­ber­ley sea­plane adventure. 

As the only oper­a­tor based at the Hor­i­zon­tal Falls, we pro­vide the most exten­sive range of Hor­i­zon­tal Falls tours depart­ing from Broome, Cygnet Bay and Derby. 

The hor­i­zon­tal falls are a nat­ur­al phe­nom­e­non which is con­stant­ly chang­ing with the tide. Due to our unique posi­tion­ing of the hor­i­zon­tal hotel based at the falls we are able to time all of our Hor­i­zon­tal Falls expe­ri­ences around the peak flow peri­ods of each tour. 

Whether it be half day, full day or overnight tour we have some­thing to suit every­one. Depart­ing on one of our lux­u­ry tur­bo­prop Jet Sea­planes to expe­ri­ence a spec­tac­u­lar scenic flight over the Buc­ca­neer Arch­i­pel­ago and an excit­ing land­ing onto the calm waters of Tal­bot Bay. In our state of the art sea­planes, we offer the low­est scenic flight in the Kim­ber­ley with being able to fly low­er than any oth­er air­craft due to our abil­i­ty to land on the water — mak­ing this the pre­mi­um scenic flight for photography. 

Once you’ve land­ed, expe­ri­ence first-hand the incred­i­ble tidal pow­er of this nat­ur­al phe­nom­e­non as you are tak­en through the falls with our high­ly expe­ri­enced skip­pers. Relax as you cruise the sur­round­ing bays and creeks of this pris­tine wilder­ness area. Enjoy cooked break­fast or BBQ Bar­ra­mun­di lunch. Meet face to face our friend­ly res­i­dent sharks as you take a refresh­ing swim in one of our huge shark free cages. 

Or choose to extend your stay on one of our overnight options on our lux­u­ry House­boat, hav­ing time to cap­ture the tran­quil­li­ty of the vast Kimberley.

As the region’s longest-run­ning Hor­i­zon­tal Falls Tour oper­a­tors, we know there’s no bet­ter way to expe­ri­ence the Kim­ber­ley than at close quar­ters. That’s why we pio­neered sea­plane tours over this mag­nif­i­cent wilderness.

We have our own fleet of Cess­na tur­bo­prop sea­planes which are metic­u­lous­ly main­tained to the most rig­or­ous stan­dards and pilot­ed by high­ly expe­ri­enced crew. And because our planes can fly at low lev­el, the views are spec­tac­u­lar; the watery land­ings and take-offs are pret­ty spe­cial too.

Our amphibi­ous planes land right at the Hor­i­zon­tal Falls where our home base with overnight accom­mo­da­tion and din­ing facil­i­ties is locat­ed, pro­vid­ing the ulti­mate in guest com­fort and convenience.

2025 Neap Tides and 'Mid Tide' dates

for Horizontal Falls Seaplane Adventures

The power of the Horizontal Falls water flow is determined by fluctuating tidal movements.

Horizontal Falls Seaplane Adventures terms and conditions apply to all seaplane adventures with the power boat experiences. They only operate Tours on days when predicted tidal movements are not Neap. They also specify particular dates on which water movement is expected to be mid tide dates. During mid tides dates, the tidal movements are different to spring tides and there is not as much white wash but the flow is still there, making for a scenic boat cruise and an opportunity to take in spiritual and historical significance of the area in a more relaxed setting. Water movement may be slow, from time-to-time, even on dates not designated as ‘mid tide’ dates due to the changing times of daily tidal movements.

Even so, the Horizontal Falls is a natural phenomenon which is dependent on tides. The experience differs from day-to-day and time-to-time. Although your Tour will include a power boat experience through the location of the Horizontal Falls, we cannot guarantee and we expressly disclaim any guarantee that your Tour through the Horizontal Falls will be at a time when water movement is to your preference. You acknowledge that for safety and cultural reasons, your power boat experience will travel through the ‘wide gap’ and not the ‘narrow gap’.

Please call the Broome Visitor Centre 08 9195 2200 to ask any questions, get advice on the different tour options or to book over the phone.

Update: Last day of the season for seaplane tours is now 29 October 2025.


Bookings are open from 16th March 2025 onwards for the below tours
Broome to Horizontal Falls Half Day Adventure AM (morning)

Bookings are open from 25th April 2025 onwards for the below tours
Broome to Horizontal Falls Half Day Adventure PM (afternoon)
Horizontal Falls & Dampier Peninsula Tour Fly/Drive
Horizontal Falls & Dampier Peninsula Tour Drive/Fly

Ultimate Horizontal Falls Luxury Stay ex Derby
Horizontal Falls Luxury Overnight Stay ex Broome via Derby

Bookings are open from 9th May 2025 onwards for the below tours
Horizontal Falls Overnight Stay ex Broome
Horizontal Falls Overnight Stay ex Cygnet Bay
Horizontal Falls Overnight Stay ex Derby
Cygnet Bay to Horizontal Falls Half Day Adventures

For booking purposes: Minimum age for all tour guests is 4 years. All children must be always accompanied and supervised by an adult carer to ensure safety. Child Age classifies as 4-12 years old. 12+ is an adult rate, no concession available.

Book online below

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