Hotel Kununurra - A Kimberley Accommodation Group property

Check In: 14.00 | Check Out: 10:00
Hours: 6743

The Hotel Kununur­ra (3.5 star) has a unique Kim­ber­ley style and gen­uine friend­ly coun­try ser­vice and is ide­al­ly locat­ed in the cen­tre of town. The hotel has a swim­ming pool, Beer Gar­den, Sport­man’s Bar and the Zebra Rock Bar & Restau­rant.

There are a range of rooms to suit all bud­gets with pri­vate en-suites, air con­di­tion­ing, ceil­ing fans, tea/​coffee mak­ing facil­i­ties and in house movies.

With a unique Kim­ber­ley style and gen­uine friend­ly coun­try ser­vice, Hotel Kununur­ra is ide­al­ly locat­ed in the cen­tre of town with all con­ve­niences in close prox­im­i­ty. The Beer Gar­den, Sport­man’s Bar & TAB are great places to enjoy local hos­pi­tal­i­ty. Dine at the famous Zebra Rock Bar & Restau­rant. Hotel Kununur­ra has a swim­ming pool and chil­dren’s pool, BBQ facil­i­ties, guest laun­dry and dri­ve-thru bot­tle shop.

The hotel has a range of taste­ful­ly dec­o­rat­ed rooms to suit all bud­gets. They all offer pri­vate ensuites, air-con­di­tion­ing, in-house movies, direct ISD/STD phone, ceil­ing fans, tea/​coffee mak­ing facil­i­ties and clock radios.

Kununur­ra is the step­ping off point to the many attrac­tions in the East Kim­ber­ley includ­ing the famous Bun­gle Bun­gles and the mag­nif­i­cent scenery around Lake Argyle.

Please see the deals below:

3+ nights or more — The Kim­ber­ley region has a lot to offer and spend­ing only one night with us will leave you feel­ing sad… So to help you smile again, we are offer­ing guests who stay 3 nights or more 15% OFF our night­ly rate. 

Cor­po­rate trav­el & group book­ings — Cor­po­rate rates are avail­able for indi­vid­u­als or com­pa­nies that trav­el to Kununur­ra on a reg­u­lar basis. If you spend more than 25 nights per year in Kununur­ra, we offer spe­cial cor­po­rate accom­mo­da­tion rates and/​or dis­count based on how often you stay with us.

These deals are sub­ject to con­fir­ma­tion by the own­ers. Please con­tact 08 9168 0400 for more details. 

Book online below

Budget Room - Hotel Kununurra - Double

Room Configuration:
Max Guests: 2

**Con­ti­nen­tal Break­fast Includ­ed** The Bud­get Dou­ble con­sists of dou­ble bed with pri­vate en-suite bath­room. Room fit­ted with A/C, Bar Fridge, TV (Fox­tel includ­ing Sports and Free to air Movies) tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties, iron and iron­ing board. Room ser­viced dai­ly and laun­dry facil­i­ty avail­able. For free air­port trans­fers, please pro­vide arrival time at time of booking.

    Budget Room - King single

    Room Configuration:
    Max Guests: 1

    **Con­ti­nen­tal Break­fast Includ­ed** The Bud­get King Sin­gle con­sists of large king sin­gle bed with pri­vate en-suite bath­room. Room fit­ted with A/C, Bar Fridge, TV (Fox­tel includ­ing Sports and Free to air Movies) tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties, iron and iron­ing board. Room ser­viced dai­ly and laun­dry facil­i­ty avail­able. Free air­port trans­fers, please pro­vide arrival time at time of booking.

      Budget Room - Queen

      Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom/Living Area combined
      Max Guests: 2

      **Con­ti­nen­tal Break­fast Includ­ed** The Bud­get Queen fea­tures a Queen bed with pri­vate en-suite bath­room. Room fit­ted with A/C, Bar Fridge, TV (Fox­tel includ­ing sports and free-to-air movies) tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties, iron and iron­ing board. Room ser­viced dai­ly and laun­dry facil­i­ties avail­able. For free air­port trans­fers, please pro­vide arrival time at time of booking.

        Premium Room - Queen

        Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom/Living Area combined
        Max Guests: 2

        **Con­ti­nen­tal Break­fast Includ­ed** Enjoy all that the Hotel Kununur­ra Pre­mi­um Suite has to offer with a Queen bed, pri­vate en-suite, A/C, ceil­ing fan, new TV with FOX­TEL inc. sports & movies, tea/​coffee mak­ing facil­i­ties, fridge, iron & iron­ing board. Free air­port trans­fers, please pro­vide arrival time at time of booking.

          Standard Room - Double Single

          Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom/Living Area combined
          Max Guests: 3

          **Con­ti­nen­tal Break­fast Includ­ed** The Stan­dard Dou­ble & Sin­gle are larg­er spa­cious rooms con­sist­ing of dou­ble and sin­gle bed with pri­vate en-suite bath­room. Room fit­ted with A/C, Bar Fridge, TV (Fox­tel includ­ing Sports and Free to air Movies) tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties, iron and iron­ing board. Room ser­viced dai­ly and laun­dry facil­i­ty avail­able. Some con­fig­u­ra­tions are avail­able with an extra sin­gle bed, please request at time of book­ing or con­tact prop­er­ty direct. For free air­port trans­fers, please pro­vide arrival time at time of booking.

            Standard Room - Family

            Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom/Living Area combined
            Max Guests: 4

            **Con­ti­nen­tal Break­fast Includ­ed** The Stan­dard Fam­i­ly is a spa­cious room con­sist­ing of queen bed and two sin­gle beds with pri­vate en-suite bath­room. Room fit­ted with A/C, Bar Fridge, TV (Fox­tel includ­ing Sports and Free to air Movies) tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties, iron and iron­ing board. Room ser­viced dai­ly and laun­dry facil­i­ty avail­able. 1 hr Free inter­net card. Max 1 per stay. For free air­port trans­fers, please pro­vide arrival time at time of booking.

              Standard Room - Queen

              Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom/Living Area combined
              Max Guests: 2

              **Con­ti­nen­tal Break­fast Includ­ed** Stan­dard Queen are larg­er spa­cious rooms con­sist­ing of queen bed with pri­vate en-suite bath­room. Room fit­ted with A/C, Bar Fridge, TV (Fox­tel includ­ing Sports and Free to air Movies) tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties, iron and iron­ing board. Room ser­viced dai­ly and laun­dry facil­i­ty avail­able. Some con­fig­u­ra­tions are avail­able with an extra sin­gle bed, please request at time of book­ing or con­tact prop­er­ty direct. For free air­port trans­fers, please pro­vide arrival time at time of booking.

                Standard Room - Twin

                Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom/Living Area combined
                Max Guests: 2

                **Con­ti­nen­tal Break­fast Includ­ed** The Stan­dard Twin is a larg­er spa­cious room con­sist­ing of two sin­gle beds with pri­vate en-suite bath­room. Room fit­ted with A/C, Bar Fridge, TV (Fox­tel includ­ing Sports and Free to air Movies) tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties, iron and iron­ing board. Room ser­viced dai­ly and laun­dry facil­i­ty avail­able. Some con­fig­u­ra­tions are avail­able with an extra sin­gle bed, please request at time of book­ing or con­tact prop­er­ty direct. For free air­port trans­fers, please pro­vide arrival time at time of booking.

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