Imintji Campground


Check In: 12:00 | Check Out: 10:00
Hours: 8.00am to 5pm Daily - Dry Season Hours

Locat­ed in a spec­tac­u­lar loca­tion at the foot of the Wunaamin Mili­wun­di Ranges, this shady wilder­ness camp­ground is part of the Camp­ing with Cus­to­di­ans offers mod­ern ameni­ties with hot show­ers, flush­ing toilets.

The Imintji (Ngarinyin) peo­ple invite you to stay at this shel­tered loca­tion at the foot of the spec­tac­u­lar Wunaamin Mili­wun­di Ranges. This shady wilder­ness camp­ground has won­der­ful views of the escarp­ment and is well sit­u­at­ed to explore near­by attrac­tions such as Bell Gorge, Tun­nel Creek and Wind­jana Gorge. 

The Camp­ground offers mod­ern facil­i­ties with flush­ing toi­lets and hot show­ers. There is a com­mu­nal kitchen and BBQ shel­ter and a cen­tral firepit to gath­er around with your fel­low travellers. 

The Imintji Com­mu­ni­ty Store is open dai­ly and sup­plies diesel, basic gro­ceries, snacks, cof­fee and cold drinks. 

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Located 220km east of Derby on the Gibb River Road. Part of this drive is unsealed and 4WD caravans and campers are recommended.

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Room Configuration: Unpowered Site
Max Guests: 8

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