Karijini Eco Retreat

Karijini Eco Retreat National Park Savannah Campground Off Weano Rd Karijini WA 6751
Accommodation Eco Retreats Travelling South

Check In: 14:00 | Check Out: 10:00
Hours: : 7.00AM TO 9.00PM DAILY (APRIL TO OCTOBER) | 7:00AM-10:00AM & 4:00PM-7:00PM DAILY (NOVEMBER TO MARCH)

Unique out­back glamp­ing in the heart of the spec­tac­u­lar Kar­i­ji­ni Nation­al Park.

Kar­i­ji­ni Eco Retreat is one of Australia’s lead­ing eco-tourism attrac­tions. Sit­u­at­ed 1,500km north of Perth in WA’s sec­ond largest nation­al park, the retreat offers glamp­ing” eco tents, cab­ins and camp­sites nes­tled at the edge of Jof­fre Gorge, along with an out­back style restau­rant and access to the park’s walks and guid­ed adven­ture tours. Explore a won­der­land of ancient nat­ur­al land­scapes formed more than two bil­lion years ago – deep gorges, red cliffs, tow­er­ing water­falls and emer­ald green water­holes – among a wide vari­ety of wild­flow­ers and native wildlife. Kar­i­ji­ni Eco Retreat is 100% Abo­rig­i­nal-owned by Gumala Enter­pris­es, proud­ly rep­re­sent­ing the Ban­ji­ma, Yin­hawang­ka and Nyiya­parli peo­ple of the Pil­bara region.

Kar­i­ji­ni Nation­al Park is very much a self-dri­ve des­ti­na­tion and due to its remote loca­tion, guests most­ly pre­fer to dri­ve their own vehi­cle or a rental vehi­cle. When trav­el­ling through the park to get to the gorges, water­falls and attrac­tions, you will be dri­ving on a mix of sealed and unsealed roads. We rec­om­mend 4WD/AWD vehicles.

All of our accom­mo­da­tion incor­po­rates eco-friend­ly designs and prac­tices to ensure sus­tain­able man­age­ment of the nat­ur­al and cul­tur­al val­ues of one of the most ancient land­scapes on earth.

The new Lux­u­ry Eco Tents offer you bespoke design, local Abo­rig­i­nal art­work, air-con­di­tion­ing/heat­ing, king size bed, lounge area, pri­vate ensuite bath­room with stone bench tops, an indul­gence of space, and pris­tine bush­land views. Includes a‑la-carte break­fast, pic­nic lunch, com­pli­men­ta­ry mini-bar, bush but­ler” ser­vice, dai­ly house­keep­ing and pri­or­i­ty restau­rant booking.

The Deluxe Eco Tents fea­ture styl­ish inte­ri­ors with qual­i­ty bed­ding and linen, bath tow­els, own pri­vate ensuite bath­room, solar pow­ered lights, min­i­mal pow­er for low wattage appli­ances, in-room safe and a front deck with table and chairs. Con­ti­nen­tal break­fast is included.

Stay in one of the Stan­dard Eco Tents for a com­fort­able and nat­ur­al camp­ing expe­ri­ence in the Kar­i­ji­ni Nation­al Park. These tents come with qual­i­ty bed­ding and linen, bath tow­els and a front deck with table and chairs. They do not have lights or pow­er points. Shared bath­room facil­i­ties are locat­ed nearby.

The cosy Eco Cab­ins are suit­ed to cou­ples, groups and fam­i­lies. These com­pact, hard walled cab­ins are in pods of 2 and fea­ture large win­dows with bush views, qual­i­ty bed­ding and linen, bath tow­els, lim­it­ed solar pow­er – read­ing lights, small fan and 12 volt­age pow­er out­let, indi­vid­ual lock­ers, shared decked seat­ing area with table and chairs. Shared bath­room facil­i­ties are locat­ed close by.

Kar­i­ji­ni Eco Retreat has 64 unpow­ered Camp­sites which are suit­able for tents, camper­vans and car­a­vans. Max­i­mum occu­pan­cy is 1 vehi­cle and up to 6 peo­ple per site. The shared bath­room facil­i­ties have flush­ing toi­lets and solar hot water show­ers. Guests also have use of the under­cov­er bush kitchens with gas BBQs, sinks and prepa­ra­tion areas.

The restau­rant and bar is open for break­fast, lunch and din­ner. The menu fea­tures fresh­ly pre­pared dish­es with an out­back twist and a take­away burg­er bar. Book­ings are essen­tial as places are lim­it­ed and the restau­rant is very popular.

The kiosk sells a vari­ety of cold drinks, ice creams, con­fec­tionary, take­away tea and cof­fee, ice, as well as a range of unique Kar­i­ji­ni souvenirs.

Optus and Tel­stra mobile cov­er­age is now avail­able at the Retreat.

New Roads, New Adventures!

With newly sealed roads and exciting upgrades, exploring this stunning part of Western Australia has never been easier.

Karijini National Park has always been a must-visit for nature lovers and adventure seekers, and 2025 is shaping up to be the best time to experience it yet!

A total of 41km of key roads are now sealed, making access smoother for 2WD vehicles, coaches, and caravans. You can travel in comfort on a bitumen road to the Karijini Eco Retreat and iconic spots like Weano, Hancock, Joffre, and Knox Gorges. The newly sealed Banjima Drive North means travel to Dales Gorge from Eco Retreat is now just 45 minutes!

Another highlight is the brand-new lookout at Knox Gorge, offering breathtaking 360-degree views—perfect for capturing the beauty of the landscape at sunrise or sunset.

With these upgrades, now is the perfect time to plan your Karijini adventure. Whether you're camping under the stars or glamping in style, 2025 is the year to visit!

Our dinner service is now closed for the low season and will reopen on 1 March 2025. A big thank you to everyone who dined with us this season at our Outback Restaurant! It’s been a pleasure serving you in the heart of Karijini National Park.

While our dinner service is now closed for the season, we’re still welcoming self-catering guests! Glamping tents and campsites are available for stays in December and January, with a seasonal closure in February. For those visiting in December, and January, we’re still here to make your stay comfortable with:
- Continental Breakfast and Picnic Lunches available to guests
- BBQ Bush Kitchens for self-catering and enjoying the flavours of the outback at your own pace.

Book online below

Deluxe Eco Tent King

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 2

Deluxe Eco Tent King sleeps 1 – 2 peo­ple. Bed­ding is 1 king bed. Com­fort­able, well-appoint­ed tents fea­ture a pri­vate ensuite bath­room, solar pow­er lights, qual­i­ty bed­ding and linen, bath tow­els, in-room safe and a deck with table and chairs. Per­fect for a unique glamp­ing expe­ri­ence. Rate is per room, per night, up to 2 peo­ple. Includes con­ti­nen­tal break­fast. Rooms are ser­viced every 4 days. Solar hot water tem­per­a­ture is sup­plied by the sun and can be affect­ed by weath­er con­di­tions. A small num­ber of Deluxe Eco Tents have pow­er for sleep apnoea machines, please enquire. 

    Deluxe Eco Tent King/Twin

    Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
    Max Guests: 2

    Deluxe Eco Tent King/​Twin sleeps 1 – 2 peo­ple. Bed­ding is 1 zip king or 2 sin­gle beds. Com­fort­able, well-appoint­ed tents fea­ture a pri­vate ensuite bath­room, solar pow­er lights, qual­i­ty bed­ding and linen, bath tow­els, in-room safe and a deck with table and chairs. Per­fect for a unique glamp­ing expe­ri­ence. Rate is per room, per night, up to 2 peo­ple. Includes con­ti­nen­tal break­fast. Rooms are ser­viced every 4 days. Solar hot water tem­per­a­ture is sup­plied by the sun and can be affect­ed by weath­er con­di­tions. A small num­ber of Deluxe Eco Tents have pow­er for sleep apnoea machines, please enquire.

      Deluxe Eco Tent Triple/Quad

      Room Configuration:
      Max Guests: 4

      Deluxe Eco Tent Triple/​Quad sleeps 1 – 4 peo­ple. Bed­ding is 1 zip king bed + 1 bunk bed. Com­fort­able, well-appoint­ed tents fea­ture a pri­vate ensuite bath­room, solar pow­er lights, qual­i­ty bed­ding and linen, bath tow­els, in-room safe and a deck with table and chairs. Per­fect for a unique glamp­ing expe­ri­ence. Rate is per room, per night, up to 4 peo­ple. Includes con­ti­nen­tal break­fast. Rooms are ser­viced every 4 days. Solar hot water tem­per­a­ture is sup­plied by the sun and can be affect­ed by weath­er con­di­tions. A small num­ber of Deluxe Eco Tents have pow­er for sleep apnoea machines, please enquire.

        Deluxe Plus Eco Tent

        Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
        Max Guests: 2

        NEW! Deluxe Plus Eco Tent sleeps 1 – 2 peo­ple. Bed­ding is 1 king bed. Fea­tures glass slid­ing entry doors, a pri­vate ensuite bath­room, solar pow­er, hotel qual­i­ty bed­ding and linen, bath tow­els, in-room safe and a deck with table and chairs. Rate is per room, per night, up to 2 peo­ple. Includes con­ti­nen­tal break­fast, tea & cof­fee and dai­ly house­keep­ing ser­vice. Rooms are ser­viced dai­ly. Solar hot water tem­per­a­ture is sup­plied by the sun and can be affect­ed by weath­er conditions.

          Luxury Eco Tent

          Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
          Max Guests: 4

          Lux­u­ry Eco Tent sleeps 1 – 4 peo­ple (max­i­mum 3 adults or 2 adults & 2 chil­dren up to 12 years old). Bed­ding is 1 king bed (option to add sofa bed for extra guests/​children). New air con­di­tioned tents with bespoke design, high-end fur­nish­ings, solar pow­er, hotel qual­i­ty bed­ding and linen, lounge area, mini fridge, tea & cof­fee mak­ing, pri­vate ensuite bath­room with stone bench tops, nour­ish­ing ameni­ties, hairdry­er and cot­ton tow­els, in-room safe and a deck with table and chairs. Rate is per room, per night, up to 2 peo­ple. Includes a‑la-carte break­fast, pic­nic lunch ham­per, com­pli­men­ta­ry mini-bar and bush but­ler’ ser­vice. Min­i­mum 2‑night stay applies to book­ings in the Lux­u­ry Eco Tents. Rooms are ser­viced dai­ly. Solar hot water tem­per­a­ture is sup­plied by the sun and can be affect­ed by weath­er conditions.

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