Karma IV

Tours and Activities Attractions

Sail the pris­tine waters of Broome on the mag­nif­i­cent Kar­ma IV — West­ern Aus­trali­a’s largest sail­ing catamaran.

The Kennedy Fam­i­ly wel­comes you aboard the Kar­ma IV. West­ern Aus­trali­a’s largest sail­ing cata­ma­ran with spa­cious mul­ti-lev­el shad­ed decks and abun­dance of com­fort­able seat­ing, giv­ing you unin­ter­rupt­ed 360° views. 

We are Broome’s largest day cruise boat offer­ing the best val­ue cruis­es! Local­ly owned and oper­at­ed by the Kennedy fam­i­ly, Broome’s longest run­ning and expe­ri­enced char­ter boat operators. 

Whale Watch­ing — View the majes­tic Hump­back whales as they migrate their way along the Kim­ber­ley coast and expe­ri­ence the incred­i­ble colours of a Broome sunset.

Eco Beach Expe­ri­ence — Enjoy a full day coastal cruise from Broome to the icon­ic Eco Beach Resort on the Kar­ma IV

Exclu­sive Small Group Hire — Enjoy the beau­ty of the Indi­an Ocean in com­plete pri­va­cy. She is avail­able for any occa­sions, whether you’re plan­ning a roman­tic get­away, a cor­po­rate event or just want to enjoy a day out on the water with friends and family.

Full bar ser­vice avail­able with alco­holic and non-alco­holic options.

For booking purposes, select the child rate for children aged 5 to 12 years. For ages 1-4 use the infant rate and no food is provided for infant bookings.

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