Kimberley Adventure Hire

14 Plum Court Kununurra WA 6743
Car Hire Adventure Hire Options Land Based Tours

Hours: 6 am - 6 pm

Kim­ber­ley Adven­ture Hire (KAH) pro­vides an all inclu­sive hire solu­tion for trav­el­ers want­i­ng to explore the Kim­ber­ley region. We hire 4WD VEHI­CLES, 4WD CAMPER TRAIL­ERS and CAMP­ING KITS. Our camper trail­ers and camp­ing kits come ful­ly equipped with all camp­ing, sleep­ing and cook­ing equip­ment you need for an amaz­ing holiday.

We under­stand plan­ning a Kim­ber­ley trip can be a lit­tle daut­ing, and are here to make the logis­tics easy! 

With a sim­ple pick­up and drop off ser­vice, you can step off your flight and into a cus­tom packed ready to go vehi­cle or camper trailer. 

We hire items indi­vid­u­al­ly or togeth­er, what­ev­er suits your hol­i­day best. 

Rea­sons you’ll love our ser­vices and products: 

• Well main­tained fleet of capa­ble 4WD Vehi­cles which can be used off road in areas in the Bun­gle Bun­gles, El Que­stro Wilder­ness Park or Gibb Riv­er Road etc 

• Cus­tom build tough 4WD Camper Trail­ers which set up in min­utes and sleep up to 5 peo­ple includ­ing a queen bed, 70L water tanks, swing out kitchen and much more.

• High Qual­i­ty Camp­ing Kits and equip­ment so you can sleep under the blan­ket of a mil­lion stars, relax by the fire or fall asleep to the sound of the stream. 

• Tents, Swags, Eskys, Engel Car Fridges, Satel­lite Phones, Solar, Cook­ing Equip­ment and more.

• One way book­ings are avail­able between Broome, Kather­ine and Dar­win. Just chat to our team for a quote.

• Afford­able prices, no charge for extra dri­vers, estab­lished for over a decade, Qual­i­ty Tourism Accred­it­ed Busi­ness and friend­ly local cus­tomer ser­vice means you can book with confidence

Head over to our web­site to explore our range of vehi­cles and equip­ment www​.kim​ber​leyad​ven​ture​hire​.com​.au or con­tact our team direct­ly on 0476 024 192 for avail­abil­i­ty and pricing.

Introducing Starlink Roam Mini

Stay connected and safe while travelling remotely!

Highspeed unlimited GB internet and wifi calling any where. Simple hire rate, plug into multiple power sources, stay connected and safe while travelling remotely. Ask for a quote as part of your hire.

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