Kimberley Coastal Camp

Admiralty Gulf North Kimberley WA
Accommodation Eco Retreats Travelling North

Check In: 11:00 | Check Out: 11:00

There are very few places in the world where you can enjoy fab­u­lous scenery, gourmet food, com­fort­able accom­mo­da­tion, spec­tac­u­lar fish­ing and ancient rock art com­bined with unpar­al­leled hos­pi­tal­i­ty in a remote wilder­ness loca­tion. Kim­ber­ley Coastal Camp is one of them.

A remote and lux­u­ri­ous sanc­tu­ary in the heart of the immense Kim­ber­ley wilder­ness, we are locat­ed on a small penin­su­lar in the Admi­ral­ty Gulf, in the extreme north west of Aus­tralia, rich with wildlife, indige­nous rock art and a land­scape that is quite sim­ply awe inspir­ing. The heart of Kim­ber­ley Coastal Camp is the Big House’. Hand built using recy­cled tim­ber with high raked ceil­ings, it is the ide­al place to share the day’s adven­tures, relax with a book from the library, enjoy great music, or just lis­ten to the gen­tle sound of the waves lap­ping on the shore. The swim­ming pool is the per­fect place to cool off after a day of dis­cov­er­ies and won­der at the stun­ning kalei­do­scope of colours found only in a Kim­ber­ley sun­set. Wild salt-water Bar­ra­mun­di straight from the ocean, suc­cu­lent oys­ters plucked from the rocks, deli­cious mud crabs tak­en from the man­grove lined creeks or seafood pael­la — our cui­sine takes inspi­ra­tion from the land and sea itself. Kim­ber­ley Coastal Camp has become famous for its delec­table gourmet meals. 

Head out on the water to drop a line to catch any­thing from Bar­ra­mun­di, Giant Treval­ly & Mack­er­el, lunch will be set up on an island, serv­ing the fresh caught fish ear­li­er in the day, cooked right on the waters edge, a glass of wine or cold beer to wash it down. A slow cruise back to camp (sight­see­ing, wildlife sight­ings) for a fresh­en up, a lit­tle relax­ing, a few drinks & nib­bles around the fire then enjoy a gourmet meal. All dietary require­ments are catered for. For those want­i­ng to expe­ri­ence catch­ing crabs, a tin­ny” will jour­ney up crab creek to try your hand at pot crab­bing. Sun­down­er drinks back at the camp & a crab feast set for a King & Queen! 

Tub is owner/​operator of Kim­ber­ley Coastal Camp & has trav­elled this coun­try since 1996, gain­ing a vast knowl­edge & respect of the sourounds. Tub’s art yarns come to you from his own expe­ri­ences, local rangers, as well as yarns passed down from Elders past, who walked Coun­try with him. A true bush man with Aussie lar­rikin atti­tude, Tub’s guid­ing can­not be found in a brochure. This is a tru­ly unique expe­ri­ence from a pas­sion­ate & unique bloke. Tub has lead art tours with all walks of life includ­ing David Wash from Mona (TAS) & Tony Wheel­er, Lone­ly Plan­et, founder, nam­ing KCC one of his top 50 all time world­wide trav­el destinations! 

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Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 2

Rates are $1,600 per per­son per 24 hours includ­ing accom­mo­da­tion, gourmet meals and ful­ly guid­ed activ­i­ties. Pack­ages includ­ing air trans­fers can be arranged from Broome, Kununur­ra, Dar­win or Mitchell Plateau. Spa­cious bun­ga­lows offer pri­va­cy and com­fort whilst tak­ing full advan­tage of the tran­quil views. Your room with a view’ is ele­gant­ly fur­nished fea­tur­ing king size or twin sin­gle beds fit­ted with lux linen, screened walls, hand­made tim­ber fur­ni­ture, read­ing lamps and a ceil­ing fan. All with ensuites tak­ing in the nat­ur­al rock scape & frangi­pani’s while show­er­ing under the stars. A child can share with par­ents or 2 chil­dren with in fam­i­ly bungalow. 

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