Kimberley Outback Tours

Tours Adventure Local Business Visitor Information

At Kim­ber­ley Out­back Tours, we spe­cialise in out­back tours that tran­scend the ordi­nary and leave you with mem­o­ries that will last a life­time. Whether you seek adven­ture, relax­ation, or cul­tur­al immer­sion, we have hand­picked a selec­tion of tours to cater to your every desire. Step into the out­back with us, where every detail is metic­u­lous­ly craft­ed to exceed your expectations.

Kim­ber­ley Out­back Tours makes explor­ing the out­back seam­less! We are a WA owned and fam­i­ly run busi­ness with oper­a­tional bases in Broome and the Mid West. 

We pro­vide ful­ly guid­ed tours in small groups, show­cas­ing the finest loca­tions, land­marks and cul­tur­al expe­ri­ences in West­ern Australia’s South West, Pil­bara, and Kim­ber­ley regions, along with prime des­ti­na­tions in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry. Addi­tion­al­ly, all meals and com­fort­able accom­mo­da­tions are includ­ed in our packages.

The team at Kim­ber­ley Out­back Tours is here to take care of every­thing, allow­ing you to unwind and ful­ly enjoy the breath­tak­ing beau­ty of Australia!


- From $10,650 pp twin share

- 14 days — Broome to Broome

- Vis­it Dampi­er Penin­su­la, Hor­i­zon­tal Falls, 4WD trav­el of the icon­ic Gibb Riv­er Road with plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties to explore gorges and swim. Stroll through the Bun­gle Bun­gles, cruise the Ord Riv­er and more. Join us on your 2025 Kim­ber­ley adventure.


- From $8,440 pp twin share

- 12 days — Broome to Broome

- Includes Hor­i­zon­tall Falls, free time in Broome, 4WD adven­ture along the full length of the Gibb Riv­er Road, Ord Riv­er cruise, the Bun­gle Bun­gles, Mim­bi Caves cul­tur­al tour, Wind­jana Gorge and Tun­nel Creek. 


- From $6,895 pp twin share

- 9 days — Broome to Broome

- Includes a 4WD adven­ture along the full length of the Gibb Riv­er Road, the Bun­gle Bun­gles, Mim­bi Caves cul­tur­al tour, Geikie Gorge, Wind­jana Gorge and Tun­nel Creek. 


- From $9,990 pp twin share

- 16 nights — Broome to Perth / Perth to Broome

- This is the most com­plete tour of the West Coast, with more high­lights than any oth­er tours avail­able, includ­ing vis­it­ing Kar­i­ji­ni Nation­al Park, his­toric Cos­sack, Mount Augus­tus, Ninga­loo Reef, Kalbar­ri, Mon­key Mia dol­phins, wild­flow­ers (in sea­son), Pink Lake at Hutt Lagoon, the Pin­na­cles and more!


- From $9,490 pp twin share

- 14 days — Perth to Fremantle

- We vis­it high­lights such as Wave Rock, the white beach­es of Esper­ance, the Mar­garet Riv­er Wine Region, Val­ley of the Giants in Wal­pole, Stir­ling Ranges in Albany, the port city of Fre­man­tle and much more.


- From $12,750 pp twin share

- 16 nights — Broome to Dar­win / Dar­win to Broome

- We vis­it Dampi­er Penin­su­la, overnight at Hor­i­zon­tal Falls, explore Mim­bi Caves and the Bun­gle Bun­gle Range before head­ing into the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry via Kather­ine and Kakadu to Darwin.


- From $23,100 pp twin share

- 34 nights — Perth to Dar­win / Dar­win to Perth

- The list of high­lights is seem­ing­ly end­less. Icons such as Kakadu, Hor­i­zon­tal Falls, Lake Argyle, El Que­stro, Gibb Riv­er Road, Bun­gle Bun­gles, Ninga­loo Reef, Shark Bay, the Pin­na­cles, Broome and Kar­i­ji­ni to name a few.

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