Kimberley Sands Resort

10 Murray Rd Cable Beach WA 6726
Accommodation Hotels, Motels, Resorts and Self Contained Apartments

Check In: 14:00 | Check Out: 10:00
Hours: Reception Hours: Vary by season.

Immerse your­self in the tran­quil sur­rounds of Kim­ber­ley Sands Resort. Locat­ed in a peace­ful bush set­ting just min­utes from the turquoise blue waters and white sands of icon­ic Cable Beach. The resort cap­tures the essence of Broome with its stun­ning design and lux­u­ry facil­i­ties, allow­ing guests to relax with a pool­side cock­tail and dine at the Sands Restau­rant and Bar over­look­ing the Max­i­ma Pool. Cable Beach is an easy 10-minute walk from the Resort.

Relax and unwind in our Max­i­ma out­door swim­ming pool, with paved/​deck and sun lounges, or from your very own bal­cony or patio from your own room. Enjoy a refresh­ing cock­tail and dine in our Sands Restau­rant and Bar where your taste buds will jour­ney through all the cul­tures of Broome and beyond. The resort also fea­tures a gym, con­fer­ence and event rooms and a gift shop. Com­pli­men­ta­ry on-site park­ing is available

Our 4 star guest rooms offer a com­fort­able, relax­ing and wel­com­ing envi­ron­ment with mod­ern facil­i­ties, you can choose from a stu­dio, to a one or two bed­room suite, you will be spoiled for choice.

Whether you are seek­ing relax­ation, adven­ture, busi­ness or a lit­tle of each you will find the Kim­ber­ley Sands Resort has every­thing you need for a mem­o­rable stay. We are a fam­i­ly friend­ly resort.

The Sands Restau­rant and Bar has an amaz­ing team of chefs and restau­rant staff wait­ing to pam­per you with mouth-water­ing dish­es, deli­cious desserts, and refresh­ing cock­tails. Over­look­ing our land­scaped gar­dens, water fea­tures and the resort pool, the Sands Restau­rant and Bar has the ide­al ambi­ence, pro­vid­ing a lux­u­ri­ous and relaxed atmos­phere. Restau­rant open­ing hours for vary seasonally. 

Book online below

Courtyard One Bedroom Suite

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 3

Our Court­yard One Bed­room Suites are cre­at­ed for pri­va­cy and designed to cap­ture the nat­ur­al Kim­ber­ley light and the Indi­an Ocean breezes. Open­ing onto a lush shared court­yard, these gra­cious­ly sized suites reflect Broomes free­dom and space, beau­ty and con­trasts. Fea­tures include a pri­vate patio, spa­cious mar­ble bath­room with a free-stand­ing bath; orig­i­nal art­work; dis­cern­ing décor; pol­ished hard­wood floors, din­ing area, kitch­enette and sep­a­rate bed­room. Step out­side to relax in the com­mu­nal court­yard. Here, all needs and desires are antic­i­pat­ed and include a king bed, out side sit­ting area, Hi-def­i­n­i­tion LCD TV with Fox­tel chan­nels, Cof­fee machine, intel­li­gent light­ing and air con­di­tion­ing, over­head fan, FREE wire­less inter­net and easy access to the resorts Max­i­ma Pool, gym, and the Sands Restau­rant and Bar. These suites also offer the ver­sa­til­i­ty of inter­con­nect­ing with a Court­yard Stu­dio Suite to cre­ate a two-bed­room suite. All rooms are on the ground floor. 

  • Air conditioned
  • Bath
  • Bathrobe
  • Ceiling Fan
  • Cooking Facilities Limited
  • Crockery & Cutlery
  • Dishwasher
  • Doona
  • Ensuite
  • Ground Floor Level
  • In-house Movies
  • Internet Access in Room
  • Iron
  • Ironing Board
  • Linen Provided
  • Microwave
  • non smoking indoors
  • Outdoor Setting
  • Private Decking Area
  • Room service
  • Satellite TV
  • Tea/Coffee

Courtyard Studio Suite

Room Configuration: Studio
Max Guests: 2

Our Court­yard Stu­dio Suites are designed for pri­va­cy and open onto a lush shared court­yard. These gra­cious­ly sized rooms are cre­at­ed for pri­va­cy and designed to cap­ture light and the Indi­an Ocean breezes. Reflect­ing Broomes free­dom and space, beau­ty and con­trasts, they fea­ture a pri­vate deck; spa­cious mar­ble bath­room with a free-stand­ing bath; orig­i­nal art­work; dis­cern­ing décor and pol­ished hard­wood floors. Step out­side to relax in the com­mu­nal court­yard. Here, all needs and desires are antic­i­pat­ed and include a king bed, out side sit­ting area, Hi-def­i­n­i­tion LCD TV with Fox­tel chan­nels, intel­li­gent light­ing and air con­di­tion­ing, over­head fan, FREE wire­less inter­net, and easy access to the resorts Max­i­ma Pool, gym and Sands Restau­rant and Bar. All on the ground floor.

  • Bath
  • Bathrobe
  • Ceiling Fan
  • Disabled Access
  • Doona
  • Ensuite
  • Ground Floor Level
  • Hairdryers
  • In-house Movies
  • Internet Access in Room
  • Iron
  • Ironing Board
  • Linen Provided
  • non smoking indoors
  • Off-Street Parking
  • Outdoor Setting
  • Private Decking Area
  • Room service
  • Satellite TV
  • Tea/Coffee

Garden View King Room

Room Configuration: Studio
Max Guests: 3

Designed to cap­ture light and the Indi­an Ocean breezes our Gar­den View Rooms fea­ture a spa­cious mar­ble bath­room with a show­er built for two, pol­ished hard­wood floors and a pri­vate bal­cony or court­yard over­look­ing the cas­cad­ing water fea­tures and land­scap­ing of the resorts Med­i­ta­tive Gar­dens. These gra­cious­ly sized rooms reflect the free­dom, space and colours of the famous pearling town of Broome. Here, all needs and desires are antic­i­pat­ed and include a king bed , out side sit­ting area, Hi-def­i­n­i­tion LCD TV with Fox­tel chan­nels, intel­li­gent light­ing and air con­di­tion­ing, over­head fan, FREE wire­less inter­net, and easy access to the resorts Max­i­ma Pool, gym and Sands Restau­rant and Bar. Rooms are locat­ed on 2 lev­els and the 2nd lev­el is accessed by a lift.

    Master Pearler One Bedroom Suite

    Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
    Max Guests: 3

    Relaxed ele­gance and sophis­ti­cat­ed style define our four Mas­ter Pearler Suites. These gra­cious­ly sized suites offer the ide­al set­ting to expe­ri­ence Broomes spec­tac­u­lar set­ting suns and ris­ing moons. The suites over­look the resorts pool from the first floor above our Sands Restau­rant and Bar. Orig­i­nal art­work and hand­picked décor and fur­nish­ings reflect the colours and tex­tures of the Kim­ber­ley. Oth­er fea­tures include a spa­cious mar­ble bath­room with a free-stand­ing bath with an adja­cent flat screen TV, din­ing area, kitch­enette and lounge, and a sep­a­rate bed­room with a king bed. Please note these rooms are locat­ed up one flight of stairs and do not have an out­side balcony. 

      Pool View King Room

      Room Configuration: Studio
      Max Guests: 3

      Designed to cap­ture light and the Indi­an Ocean breezes our Pool View Rooms fea­ture a spa­cious mar­ble bath­room with a show­er, pol­ished hard­wood floors and a pri­vate bal­cony or court­yard over­look­ing the cas­cad­ing water fea­tures and land­scap­ing of the resorts Max­i­ma Pool. These gra­cious­ly sized rooms reflect the free­dom, space and colours of the famous pearling town of Broome. Here, all needs and desires are antic­i­pat­ed and include a king bed, out side sit­ting area, Hi-def­i­n­i­tion LCD TV with Fox­tel chan­nels, intel­li­gent light­ing and air con­di­tion­ing, over­head fan, FREE wire­less inter­net, and easy access to the resorts Max­i­ma Pool, gym, and the Sands Restau­rant and Bar. The rooms are on 3 lev­els, the upper lev­els are accessed by a lift. 

      • Air conditioned
      • Balcony
      • Bathrobe
      • Ceiling Fan
      • Doona
      • Ensuite
      • Hairdryers
      • In-house Movies
      • Internet Access in Room
      • Iron
      • Ironing Board
      • non smoking indoors
      • Room service
      • Satellite TV
      • Tea/Coffee

      Garden View Twin Room

      Room Configuration: Studio
      Max Guests: 3

      Designed to cap­ture light and the Indi­an Ocean breezes our Gar­den View Rooms fea­ture a spa­cious mar­ble bath­room with a show­er built for two, pol­ished hard­wood floors and a pri­vate bal­cony or court­yard over­look­ing the cas­cad­ing water fea­tures and land­scap­ing of the resorts Med­i­ta­tive Gar­dens. These gra­cious­ly sized rooms reflect the free­dom, space and colours of the famous pearling town of Broome. Here, all needs and desires are antic­i­pat­ed and include a king bed which can be made into two sin­gle beds, out side sit­ting area, Hi-def­i­n­i­tion LCD TV with Fox­tel chan­nels, intel­li­gent light­ing and air con­di­tion­ing, over­head fan, FREE wire­less inter­net, and easy access to the resorts Max­i­ma Pool, gym and Sands Restau­rant and Bar. Rooms are locat­ed on 2 lev­els and the 2nd lev­el is accessed by a lift.

        Pool View Twin Room

        Room Configuration: Studio
        Max Guests: 3

        Designed to cap­ture light and the Indi­an Ocean breezes our Pool View Rooms fea­ture a spa­cious mar­ble bath­room with a show­er, pol­ished hard­wood floors and a pri­vate bal­cony or court­yard over­look­ing the cas­cad­ing water fea­tures and land­scap­ing of the resorts Max­i­ma Pool. These gra­cious­ly sized rooms reflect the free­dom, space and colours of the famous pearling town of Broome. Here, all needs and desires are antic­i­pat­ed and include a king bed or can be split to two beds, out side sit­ting area, Hi-def­i­n­i­tion LCD TV with Fox­tel chan­nels, intel­li­gent light­ing and air con­di­tion­ing, over­head fan, FREE wire­less inter­net, and easy access to the resorts Max­i­ma Pool, gym, and the Sands Restau­rant and Bar. The rooms are on 3 lev­els, the upper lev­els are accessed by a lift. 

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