Moontide Distillery

17 Gwendoline Crossing Bilingurr. WA 6725
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Hours: LOW SEASON HOURS: Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday. 11.30am - 5pm.

Vis­it us at our Cel­lar Door to taste our Spir­its of the Kim­ber­ley. Made with local­ly sourced native botan­i­cals and pure mon­soon rain­wa­ter, our spir­its are tru­ly of the Kim­ber­ley. Hand craft­ed gin, an aniseed spir­it and bit­ters with local trop­i­cal fruits, exot­ic spices and bush botan­i­cals, offers a unique­ness of flavours. Vis­it the Moon­tide Dis­tillery Cel­lar Door in Broome to sam­ple the range of gins and spir­its. Expe­ri­ence a guid­ed tast­ing or stay a while and enjoy a gin and ton­ic with one of our curat­ed cheese boards, as you enjoy a lazy after­noon in Broome. Moon­tide Dis­tillery is locat­ed in Blue Haze’ — a place, not a state of mind. You’ll find us at 17 Gwen­do­line Cross­ing, Bilin­gurr, Broome — on the cor­ner of Gwen­do­line Cross­ing and Lona Link. We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you to share our vision and enjoy the fruits of our labour of love.

Mobile: 0407 974 492
Email: admin@​moontidedistillery.​com.​au
Web­site: www​.moon​tidedis​tillery​.com​.au


Treat yourself to something new with our custom gift packs, your choice of 3x 200ml bottles. Available from the Moontide Distillery cellar door or online.

Cellar Door Opening Hours

Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday 11:30am-5pm

Address: 17 Gwendoline Crossing, Bilingurr, Broome - on the corner of Gwendoline Crossing and Lona Link. Get Directions.

Trip Planner