Lake Argyle Cruises

Lake Argyle Rd Via Kununurra WA 6743
Tours Fishing

Hours: Operational all year round, with daily cruises departing from May to September. From October to April cruises are scheduled according to demand. Office open from 8am till 6pm.

The orig­i­nal and still the best!! Lake Argyle Cruis­es is the orig­i­nal­ly com­pa­ny here at Lake Argyle. Greg and his team have over 21 years expe­ri­ence and are more then hap­py to show you around our great lake. We have plen­ty of options from cruis­es, pri­vate char­ters to hire boats and canoes. Expe­ri­ence Lake Argyle with the team that you it best!!

Imag­ine liv­ing in a place where croc­o­diles out­num­ber humans; where you’re hours from the coast, but the sea is your front yard (an inland sea, that is); where flocks of birds can num­ber into the tens of thou­sands; and where each day’s sun­set has the poten­tial to be the best you’ve ever seen. 

When Greg began oper­at­ing in 1999, he knew he’d nev­er tire of show­ing this incred­i­ble part of the world to oth­ers. Two decades (and thou­sands of guests lat­er) Lake Argyle Cruis­es remains the num­ber one choice for explor­ing this mag­nif­i­cent part of the Kimberley. 

Our fleet of pur­pose-built cruise ves­sels offer com­fort­able seat­ing and unob­struct­ed views, immers­ing you into the breath­tak­ing land­scape that the East­ern Kim­ber­ley is renowned for. Our team’s pas­sion and knowl­edge, togeth­er with our fan­tas­tic prod­ucts have earned us the Holy Grail for any tour com­pa­ny — a five star rat­ing and Cer­tifi­cate of Excel­lence on TripAdvisor. 

Whether you’re spot­ting for wildlife dur­ing one of our cruis­es, hir­ing a dinghy and throw­ing in a line, drift­ing across the water on a stand-up pad­dle board, or soak­ing in the mag­ic of an East Kim­ber­ley sun­set, you’ll expe­ri­ence the heart and soul of Lake Argyle with us, Lake Argyle Cruises!

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