Mangrove Resort Hotel, The

Accommodation Hotels, Motels, Resorts and Self Contained Apartments

Check In: 14:00 | Check Out: 10:00
Hours: Reception open 0700 - 1900.

The Man­grove Resort Hotel is idyl­li­cal­ly set amongst beau­ti­ful lush trop­i­cal gar­dens and pic­turesque palm trees, and boasts stun­ning views over sparkling Roe­buck Bay.

The Man­grove Resort Hotel is Broome’s best spot to wit­ness the amaz­ing tidal vari­a­tions, incred­i­ble views and the must see” Stair­way-to-the-Moon. This world famous nat­ur­al phe­nom­e­non that Broome is renowned for occurs for three nights every month dur­ing the dry sea­son from March to October. 

The bou­tique Resort Hotel is sit­u­at­ed with­in a short 2 minute walk­ing dis­tance from the cen­tre of town and the famous Chi­na­town mar­kets, restau­rants, shop­ping cen­tre and bars. The hotel is also locat­ed per­fect­ly with Town Beach a mere 10 minute walk away and the Inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned Cable Beach only a 5 minute dri­ve from your hotel room. Pub­lic trans­port is on the foot­step of the hotel, along with an air­port trans­fers drop off ser­vice. This pre­mier loca­tion makes the Man­grove Resort Hotel the ide­al accom­mo­da­tion choice for cou­ples, fam­i­lies and cor­po­rate trav­ellers when vis­it­ing Broome. 

The Resort Hotel boasts a range of recent­ly refur­bished spa­cious rooms — all with pri­vate facil­i­ties includ­ing flat screen TV’s, air con­di­tion­ing, cable TV, tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties. The Resort Hotel also offers a wide range of guests facil­i­ties includ­ing fab­u­lous break­fast, lunch and din­ner restau­rant or alfres­co din­ing options. Also a choice of bars, 4 func­tions and con­fer­ence rooms, tour desk, free live enter­tain­ment on select nights, com­ple­men­tary onsite park­ing, and two sparkling swim­ming pools.

The Man­grove Hotel, Broome with a View, is the per­fect hol­i­day, busi­ness, hon­ey­moon or wed­ding des­ti­na­tion. The Man­groves range of well appoint­ed rooms have some­thing for every­one, rang­ing from Exec­u­tive rooms to Pre­mier Suites. 

Your vis­it may coin­cide with the mag­i­cal Stair­way to the Moon, a beau­ti­ful nat­ur­al phe­nom­e­non best viewed from The Man­grove Hotel 

Bayside Premier Room

Room Configuration: Studio
Max Guests: 2

The Bay­side Pre­mier room is a great place to unwind and relax at the Man­grove Resort Hotel. Enjoy a queen size bed, ensuite, 46″ flat screen tv and access to stream­ing services.

  • Air conditioned
  • Ceiling Fan
  • Clock Radio
  • Ensuite
  • Hairdryers
  • Iron
  • Ironing Board
  • Tea/Coffee

Superior Poolside Room

Room Configuration: Studio
Max Guests: 3

Imag­ine wak­ing up and look­ing out over the bril­liant blue waters of Roe­buck Bay. Our Supe­ri­or Pool­side rooms are spa­cious with a queen size bed and sin­gle bed, ensuite, 46″ flat screen tv and access to stream­ing services.

  • Air conditioned
  • Ensuite
  • Hairdryers
  • Iron
  • Ironing Board
  • Linen Provided
  • Tea/Coffee

Garden View Rooms

Room Configuration: Studio
Max Guests: 3

Stay at the Man­grove Resort Hotel and enjoy the best views of Roe­buck bay. Our Gar­den View Rooms have a queen size bed and sin­gle bed, 46″ flat screen tv (with access to stream­ing ser­vices) and ensuite bathrooms.

  • Air conditioned
  • Clock Radio
  • Ensuite
  • Ironing Board
  • Linen Provided

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