Matso's Broome Brewery

60 Hamersley Street Broome. WA 6725
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Hours: 7 days a week. 11am until late (lunch and dinner).

Matso’s Broome Brew­ery is an icon­ic Broome venue and is known for its laid-back atmos­phere, food and, of course, the beer!

Craft Beer
In our brew­ery we com­bine the finest nat­ur­al ingre­di­ents, tra­di­tion­al time hon­oured brew­ing tech­niques and mod­ern tech­nol­o­gy, to pro­duce a range of beer styles that ‑above all else- aim to deliv­er flavour.

The Kim­ber­ley lifestyle, cli­mate and nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment is unique and unfet­tered, and our objec­tive is to cre­ate beers of indi­vid­u­al­i­ty that will reflect the region. With the knowl­edge and wis­dom of old world’ brew­ing to draw from, and the imag­i­na­tion and inno­va­tion of new world’ brew­ers as our inspi­ra­tion, we hope to con­tribute to the future of Aus­tralian beer. 

Gin­ger Beer
This brew has now become syn­ony­mous with Broome Brewery 

Bish­op’s Best Dark Lager
A Munich style dark lager with very pro­nounced chocolate/​coffee notes. Rich and hedonistic. 

Mat­so’s His­to­ry
Mat­so’s Store start­ed life as the Union Bank of Aus­tralia Ltd and was built in 1900. It stood in She­ba Lane, which ran down the edge of Kennedys Hill. The Union Bank was the first bank in Broome and was to be a vital part of the finan­cial life of the town for over 40 years.

She­ba Lane was noto­ri­ous as the Red Light dis­trict of Chi­na­town and was the cen­tre of the Japan­ese com­mu­ni­ty in Broome. Among the build­ings there were opi­um dens, broth­els and mah-jong palaces. Broome was a very open town, cater­ing for the var­ied needs of hard­work­ing divers through­out the region. 

Dur­ing 1942 the Union Bank branch in Broome found itself trad­ing unprof­itably and caught in a ratio­nal­iza­tion of the bank­ing indus­try. The year since the depres­sion had not been kind and the pearling indus­try itself was chang­ing. Plas­tics were begin­ning to have an impact on the indus­try. Nation­al­ly, although ninth largest, the Union Bank had­n’t been meet­ing expec­ta­tions and was the tar­get of a takeover. As a con­se­quence the Union Bank was absorbed into the ANZ group. 

In the late 1940s, a fire, which was thought to have been inten­tion­al­ly lit, either by a dis­grun­tled client of the estab­lish­ment or in response to the war in the Pacif­ic, dev­as­tat­ed She­ba Lane. The close­ness of the build­ings and poor ser­vices ensured lit­tle could sur­vive and only a few build­ings escaped destruc­tion. One of those was Mat­so’s Store. It remained unharmed amid the ruins and remained operating.

Events at Matso’s

Jam night is on every Tues­day (weath­er per­mit­ting) from 7:30pm – 10:30pm.

Tast­ing Paddles

Mat­so’s Brew­ery is renowned for Gin­ger Beer, Man­go Beer, and evolv­ing tap beer selec­tion. Sea­son­al changes reflect our Head Brewer’s cre­ativ­i­ty and inspi­ra­tion. Ask staff for the cur­rent sea­son­al taps or order our tast­ing pad­dle to sam­ple.

Sea­son­al­ly, Fumiko food truck makes an appear­ance in the relax­ing beer gar­den at Matso’s.

Vis­it the web­site to book online.


Menu may vary seasonally.

Renovations from Monday 13th January

Hey Broome, we’ve got some pretty epic renovations kick starting on Monday 13th January, which means we will be closing our doors for a couple of months.
We’d love to see you this weekend - Sunday 12th January


From 13th January 2025!

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