Mercedes Cove Exclusive Coastal Retreat

Accommodation Eco Retreats Dampier Peninsula

Check In: 14.00 | Check Out: 10.00
Hours: 9am to 3pm WA time

Mer­cedes Cove Exclu­sive Coastal Retreat trad­ing as Whales Rest. We are locat­ed in Nation­al Her­itage list­ed Dampi­er Penin­su­la near Pen­der Bay approx­i­mate­ly 170kms from Broome. 

Enjoy unin­ter­rupt­ed views of the ocean with you own pri­vate sandy beach for swim­ming, snor­kel­ing and fish­ing or just watch the sun set behind the ancient Chim­ney Rocks. 

There are Five eco tents and two cab­ins to choose from. 

Expe­ri­ence Mer­cedes Cove with just your part­ner, fam­i­ly and/​or friends. With only min­i­mal guests at one time you can be assured of that stress free escape. 

Activ­i­ties include swim­ming, snor­kel­ing, fish­ing, bird watch­ing, land based whale watch­ing between July and Sep­tem­ber or you can choose to relax and watch the world go by. 

Book for 2025 season!

  • 4wd is required to access the property, there is 33kms of sandy/dirt road once you have turned off the Broome-Cape Leveque Rd.
  • Check in is at 2pm
  • Check out is at 10am
  • Minimum 2 night stay
  • Public holidays and long weekends 3 night minimum stay
  • Easter 4 night minimum stay
  • Child is 3-12 years old
  • Infant is 0-2 years old
  • Sorry no pets.
  • No day visits. Booked guests only are allowed on property
  • Boat launch at Mercedes Cove is dependant on tide, swell and size of the boat.
  • You can launch at Middle lagoon for a fee. Boat launching is via middle lagoon for a day fee.
  • You need to provide your own food, drinks, fishing gear (inc bait) & beach towels
  • Please do all your shopping in Broome as there is no supermarket near us.
  • We sell fire wood $15 per wheel barrow load & block ice $10
  • Fuel is available 24hrs Djarindjin road house.
  • We don't offer any camping or caravan sites
  • It is highly recommended that you take out travel insurance for your trip.

Sorry no pets, camping or van sites.

Please email Pat to book [email protected]

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