Mr Saigon

5/19 Dampier Terrace Broome 6725
General Services Beverages Local Businesses

Hours: Monday 5-8pm (dinner only). Tuesday to Friday 11-2pm (lunch) and 5-8pm (dinner). Closed Saturdays and Sundays.

Fresh, beau­ti­ful Viet­namese cui­sine in Broome.

Mr Saigon cap­tures the authen­tic taste of Viet­namese cui­sine. They pride them­selves on qual­i­ty, fresh prod­ucts and great ser­vice. Find them at 5, 19 Dampi­er Ter­race, Broome — just down from Streeter’s Jet­ty in Chinatown.

Low Season Opening hours

Low season hours

Tuesday to Friday 11am to 2pm and 5pm to 8pm
Saturday 5.00pm to 8.00pm

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