Mt Elizabeth Station


Mt Eliz­a­beth Sta­tion is about as close to the heart of the Kim­ber­ley region in West­ern Aus­tralia as you can get. Locat­ed rough­ly half way between Kununur­ra and Der­by on the icon­ic Gibb Riv­er Road, Mt Eliz­a­beth is a half-mil­lion acre, ful­ly oper­a­tional cat­tle sta­tion that also wel­comes guests. Offer­ing camp­ing, din­ner, bed and break­fast options with­in a gen­uine out­back set­ting is what Mt Eliz­a­beth is famous for. 

Mt Eliz­a­beth Sta­tion has a long his­to­ry and is one of the old­est work­ing cat­tle sta­tions in the Kim­ber­ley. First estab­lished in 1945, Mt Eliz­a­beth is rich in his­to­ry with the Lacy fam­i­ly play­ing a major role in plac­ing the sta­tion on the Kim­ber­ley map.

The sta­tion is sit­u­at­ed rough­ly halfway between Kununur­ra and Der­by, on the Gibb Riv­er Road in the Kim­ber­ley region of West­ern Aus­tralia. The size of the prop­er­ty is approx­i­mate­ly 500,000 acres and encom­pass­es rivers, gorges, water­falls, sacred abo­rig­i­nal sites includ­ing rock art, wildlife cor­ri­dors, 6,000+ head of cat­tle and a huge vari­ety of native flo­ra and fauna.

Whilst rear­ing cat­tle is the main­stay and pri­ma­ry rea­son for the exis­tence of Mt Eliz­a­beth Sta­tion, tourism is wel­comed and pro­vides a unique expe­ri­ence to all our vis­i­tors. With camp­ing, din­ner, bed and break­fast options avail­able, the sta­tion caters for all bud­gets and time-frames.

Mt Eliz­a­beth Sta­tion is pet friend­ly in the bush camp­ground. Pets will be con­sid­ered at the Man­ager’s dis­cre­tion if request­ed dur­ing book­ing enquiry. Pets are not allowed in rooms. Dogs are allowed to go to gorges on site.

For all enquiries please con­tact the Broome Vis­i­tors Cen­tre on 08 9195 2200 or enquiries@​visitbroome.​com.​au

We are now fully licensed!

You can buy a bottle of wine to enjoy with your dinner or a few beers to take back to your campsite. Another good reason to stop in at MtE on your Gibb adventure!

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